More GAA Shame

Darren Gleeson took a lot more money, but there was full traceability that all the money was spent on gambling and he was taking counselling etc.

The evidence here suggests the money went towards a divorce settlement/child maintenance.

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Id like to suggest that is absolute lies on his part anyway knowing the girl


Sorry, I mean no sympathy for Meaghar


400 at the wedding does tell somewhat of a tale.

A lad I used to hurl with turned up on my doorstep one night with a sob story about hit men chasing him down for money. I knew it was bollix but I gave him what I had in my wallet and told him never to come near me again.
Told a pal of mine about it and he told me he had seen the same lad in the airport the following week off on a holiday to the Canaries.


Former county camoige player isnt it?

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Yes - All-Ireland club winner too. I don’t know her but partner/her family do. The quietest/basic people you’d ever meet. Far from lavish


I know the ex wife’s family too and they are salt of the earth as they come.

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You must carry some amount of cash in your wallet chief.


Lovely people. I only put two & two together this morning. Heard a number of years ago that she gave him the road after he had gambled away close on 50K.


A bit of flash money.

You were badly mugged off there mate

I’d say he got off light.

I did and I knew it at the time. He was doing the rounds of fellas he used to hurl with.

Ignored in the local paper according to Tighe. Quelle surprise.

If only there were local journalists willing to report honestly on this.


I’d look it the other way. you did what was the right thing even knowing you were likely being burned. Was a small price to pay to ensure never having to deal with the cunt again.


This should be handed to the Gardai not TFK forum, is this a recent incident?

I’d imagine it already is being dealt with, a Kilkenny poster might confirm the status of games in Kilkenny this weekend?

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Cool paper