More GAA Shame

That’s 1st class customer service right there. Any chance of a can of Heino or the odd half-one?

Local GAA lads most likely…

The second headbutting incident at a sporting event in Port in 12 months…

The second we heard about.

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Mark Tighe investigating it. You’d imagine there’s going to be more to come.

Utterly bizarre Case and no mention of betting.

Is that written in Arabic?

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I don’t see how they could to be honest. He hasn’t come forward and said it as part of his defence. He has partially laid the blame at his ex wife’s lavish lifestyle though.

Strange that €41k has turned up as payment to John. Hopefully he gets it. Id say the delay on paying to him is to allow for checks to see where it came from. Is it loans from other lads he had roped into the scam.

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You’d imagine if it was “a sad case with no winners” the solicitors would be bending over backwards to highlight that in court. Blaming a frivolous ex-wife seems a very odd way to try to illicit sympathy from a judge, if he had a ready made excuse of gambling debts.

Well not that robbing somebody is ok to go gambling but I can’t see the guy going as public about the whole thing if it was gambling.

Ballymaglen Shamrocks are shameful in their carry on

Maybe you’re right but if he’s a gambling addiction problem it’s sad for him but I can’t see it being as public a case if it was.

Gambling doesn’t give a lad a free pass to rob somebody.


Nope but If addiction was the issue these cases are usually covered differently by the media.

I can’t see tighe investigating a case if it’s a lad with an betting problem.


From listening to the podcast , I’d imagine “John” is easily identifiable in KK from the information the reporters have.

As I mentioned before, I was in college with Meaghar and would have been relatively close to him but having listened to this podcast , I’m finding it hard to have any sympathy for him.

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Maybe he does t have a gambling problem at all. It’s purely speculation unless he brings it up himself. Which, at present he hasn’t used this as a defence for his actions.

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He’s gambled on the ex wife story eliciting sympathy.

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