More GAA Shame

I live outside Freshford now, I donā€™t know either party involved here personally but Iā€™ve been nosing around asking innocent but leading questions about it.

Iā€™ve gathered that the perpetrator was, heretofore anyway, generally well liked and well thought of and the attitude towards the victim is basically ambivalent really. Whilst agreeing that he was definitely wronged, most people are denying that he has been ostracized or shunned in any way and are angry that they are being portrayed as such.

However, I do sense certain undercurrents.

His family do not seem to be as well liked and I keep hearing references to connections between a family member and an infamous FAI official (unsure of the relevance but people keep bringing it up).
Iā€™ve also heard that as the money was repaid, he neednā€™t have continued with the criminal case and that people feel sympathy for the perpetratorā€™s family due to the publicity and that instigating these articles are ā€œstamping on a man when he is downā€.

Almost everyone says gambling is the problem but that heā€™s refused to acknowledge or admit it and apparently there are other victims.

Also, I gather that right up until the judgeā€™s ruling, he was convinced he would not be convicted.


Which podcast is that?

It hasnā€™t been repaid yet has it?

Ducking hell looks like all these cats are as crooked as the hind leg of a dog.

Nope tighe said the guards Have the money

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Brophy has form, he referred to young people socialising during lockdown as ā€œPricks and Bitchesā€. Basically because his wedding was postponed I think. Remarkable really that he found someone to marry him, judging by his personal habits / hygiene on Nenagh Guardianā€™s ā€œTipp Castā€ with Paddy Stapleton. I believe he turned on you on a Twitter thread about this affair, showed his true colours

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I know we all lost the plot during Covid but that was a spectacular meltdown from Brophy over his wedding.

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He can be a bit of a prick from some of my dealings with him. The West Pro organisation regularly clash with hom

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That time on Twitter when he was moaning about the wedding made him look like a right eejit. I was in college with him. He was quiet, but somewhat droll. Weā€™d have been in class together but he wouldnā€™t have been a lad Iā€™d be supping pints with in those days.

Says it all. That youā€™d not sup pints. Tells a lot

I did some serious pinting back then :see_no_evil:. I donā€™t remember him out that much, but Iā€™d say we socialised in different circles.

Hard questions need to be asked

GardaĆ­ making enquiries as Dublin soccer player left with ā€˜blood coming out of his neckā€™ GardaĆ­ making enquiries as Dublin soccer player left with 'blood coming out of his neck'

Clonsaugh Park so almost definitely Whitehall Colmcilles lads.

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Incorrect statement


We need to sort out Dublin gaa lads

Ah, a small matter. I accept the partial criticism of @caulifloweredneanderthal over what I eventually said to SB about his loose way with facts. But it is hard to remain absolutely civil when the immediate response you get is ridiculous childishness.

Trying to make intercounty rivalry hay out of an awful case seems to me quite bizarreā€¦ And the fact that SB could not see his open flank in this regard indicates a bit of fooleen.


Bizarre, though maybe not, that heā€™s an actual sports editor of a regional newspaper