More GAA Shame

Well, I will not say anything about that factor. He is not a bad journalist. My beef was with someone being so callous and so juvenile about a highly serious case.

That was a great period when weddings were getting cancelled and you had to pretend you were disappointed to the couple.

They are such tedious events. Always on the same time as a big match or race as well. You’d be starving then as some best man makes an unfunny speech waiting for the grub to come around.

Don’t get me started on “day two”.


It’s a relatively short period in your life. It’s soon replaced by christenings, communions, confirmations and funerals.

Despite our move to a secular society it’s noteworthy how much of the social fabric and, in time, opportunities to meet old friends and family remains sacrament based and still revolves around the Church.


I guess for younger people the way we communicate means even if somebody is on the other side of the world you can stay in touch easily.

I don’t really any sort of structured event tbf.

I have three communions this month including my own lad’s. The hullabaloo around it is bizarre considering none of the parents are churchgoers. His interest in it is that he knows 7 new songs.


You sound like a proper anti social

Weddings can be very stressful on the parents of Brides/Grooms too. I was at a recent one for a cousin and was talking to his father (my uncle) and said to him after the speeches, “I’d say you are glad to have that over, you were probably thinking about it all day”, and he goes “I was thinking about it for the last two years”.

Also, there can be hassle around invites for neighbours etc . Its a black mark if you don’t invite Johnny down the road, and yet if Johnny was asked, he probably wouldn’t go.


Fintan is wound up again

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Poor man, all he had to do was stand up and welcome the wee lass into the family and tell everyone herself raised the chap. He tormented himself for 2 years for nothing.

Otherwise, invite everyone and don’t fucking worry about it. Lads think too much about these things. There’s a whole lot worse going to happen in your life than going to a fucking wedding

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John Mitchel was a bit of a cunt. Strange that the name was used in the first place. I suppose it might not be as offensive as Oliver Cromwell FC.

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I find it hilarious that somebody would be put out over not being invited to a wedding.

I’d be over the moon.

They are tedious events.

You’re a tedious event

+1. I’d imagine it’s very hard to keep a wedding below 250 people. Grudges can form if neighbours aren’t invited but at the same time some of those invites would be to keep the bride or grooms parents happy rather than the bride/groom themselves. The bride or groom may have had minimal contact with the neighbours in question. Then it become messy as to where to draw the line with how many teammates and work colleagues to invite etc. A logistical nightmare I’d imagine.

I’d love an auld stag night or a wedding but at this stage I’m waiting on lads to go the second time 'round.


Believe me - it is.


I’m running out of reasons why I can’t go on stags. Utterly pointless events.

Are second time around weddings a bit low key, seeing as the couple made such a show of themselves after all the speeches and “I love yous” the first time around?

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Has anybody been at wedding where something mad happens like bride walks out or a scandal breaks out?

At my brother in laws wedding , he dropped the bride on the dance floor. Gave her concussion and a sprained wrist. After the initial laugh and the then concern for her well being, we carried on.


At two of these and the best man’s speech at both started with ‘Now where was I….’