More GAA Shame

There must be some cracking stories out there.

Iā€™ve told this on here before but in a previous workplace going back 15 or 20 years, Iā€™d not been in the place long but a load of us got invited to this wedding of a lass who started the same time as us. No expense spared, great day.

The bride was a great looking girl and an outrageous flirt to boot. Needless to say she was popular with all the males in the office. Anyway she had been going out with this fella for years, theyā€™d a child together so everyone thought that was just her way.

Anyway it all came out in the wash that Christmas - wedding had been in spring earlier that year - that she had been having an affair with a young lad in the office before, during and AFTER the wedding. The joke in the office was the wedding cake was still fresh in her fridge. Think she patched it up with the husband and they are back together now - heā€™s a better and more tolerant man than me to put up with that behaviour.

Sheā€™s still flaunting it on Bookface and Insta every weekend anyway.


@dodgy_keeper maybe they have an open relationship now. Who knows with peopleā€¦

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Ah stop, the giddiness of hopping a train, youā€™re putting a goo on me now

Weā€™ve one lad in our crew who we never thought would settle down. 41 now and recently bought a house with a woman. We might get a stag out of him yet

That would be epic. Heā€™s probably doing the wedding to get the stag

Iā€™d say youā€™d have enough lads eager enough to go on his stag that theyā€™d willing to chip in for a divorce lawyer if the time came.

Invited to a wedding in Italy about 15 years ago. Flights and accommodation booked. Yer man called it off day before, we didnā€™t travel. Closest Iā€™ve come to an incident. Good few had already been out there and werenā€™t impressed

Did you lose money?

At least they got a holiday out of it. Fair play to the lad for calling it off. He would have got some guff off both families but in long term, it was a better path for all.


Spot on. He is in a same sex partnership now a few years I heard since. Wasnā€™t given as reason for calling it off but he knew something inside wasnā€™t right with it I suppose.


I chased Ryanair for the tax back for a few months and when they mentioned an 80e admin fee I walked away. Got accommodation back

Iā€™d have flown out and fuck it

Was it @Thomas_Brady that ended up in hospital after his stag?


He sure did the soft cunt.

Incorrect. I made it to my hotel and went to bed.

What type of soft cunt stays in a hotel for a stag?

Even I was in a hostel for one Galway last month and have been ill in hostels from ballybunion to doolin and far further away.

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Is there a hostel in Limerick?

Any lad not getting excited for stags/weddings badly need to reassess their friend circle. Weā€™ve a few pioneers that donā€™t partake in any extracurriculars and theyā€™d be the first cunts booked on the Ryanair flight.



Ya, on Alphonsus Street