More GAA Shame

Six times over the limit would suggest that Darragh had 12-15 pints before sitting into the car.


@Julio_Geordio mentioned this case earlier

He didn’t learn his lesson


You had this GAA shame thing flagged years in advance. But is it just me or is there an avalanche of these stories nowadays. We will look back fondly at the time when Sean O’Brien peeing on a fellas leg generated hundreds of comments over multiple years from some fellas. The same lads are so immune to the shock now they barely engage with these GAA stories

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Something amiss when the greatest hurler and footballer of all both turn out to be scumbags

I wonder is there a correlation between not getting paid and them being bitterly twisted people

Entitlement mate. I bet this lads FF connections got him off the hook on previous occasions when he was caught

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Agreed. Shameful and proper order. He got off light.

What the fuck?

My impression of the O’SĂ©s has always been that they are very much coloured by having Dingle Royal Family status. This status is indivisible from who they are as people.

TomĂĄs: Probably a bit “troubled”, and definitely a Jack The Lad, but essentially sound. Needed to get out of Dingle, he wasn’t comfortable with being an O’SĂ©. Definitely the best of the three to have a pint with, although probably not now. Little things are a big giveaway about a person’s character. He walked the length of the pitch to hand the ball to Cluxton. When he’d throw in an elbow, you wouldn’t think it was out of badness, there was a humour to it.

Marc: Probably sound enough, a bit of a cute hoor but boring. That’s fine.

Darragh: The most dangerous of the three by far. Anger, arrogance and entitlement has always permeated him. It’s on his face. His articles are usually phoning it in, lazy cliches and he doesn’t see any reason it should need to be otherwise. Believes he should have the run of Kerry because of who he is. Probably out of control. When he’d throw in an elbow, there wasn’t a humour to it, there was a nastiness. I was surprised to see he was living in Tralee. I had assumed he had stayed in Dingle.


Hard to steer the pony home over the Conor pass after a skinful

He’s an auctioneer in Tralee. N’awful fondness for it

“he requested to make a call to a retired Garda Sergeant, but the call rang out, before he requested to call his solicitor John O’Dwyer, whose phone was off.”

An ex sergeant got him off before by the sounds of it.

O’SĂ© tried ringing him before his solicitor to work his magic again but he was asleep. Either that or he took one look at his phone, put 2 + 2 together given the unsocial hour and decided he can bloody well clean up his own mess this time.


In court he still tried to get away with it

Rory will be thrilled that Ewan has come out to bat for him

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In a statement through his solicitors, Mr. Gallagher said: “I have been made aware of a social media post by my estranged wife Nicola Gallagher in which she has made a number of very serious allegations against me.
“Our marriage broke down over four years ago. Those closest to our family are well aware of the reasons for the breakdown of our marriage and the continued issues we have faced since that time.
“Following long running court proceedings in Family Courts in both jurisdictions, I was granted a full Residence Order in respect of our three young children on February 17 2023. This outcome was recommended by social services.”
Mr. Gallagher said the allegations made against him have been investigated and dealt with by the relevant authorities before continuing: “My focus over the past four years has been to protect our children from the ongoing turmoil in our family.

“I have left this matter in the hands of my legal team and ask that the privacy of our family is respected at this time. I will not be making any further public comment on this matter.”


You might find out from your pal Johnny Doyle if his clubman Pat Mangan, the former well-known Kildare player and supporters club chief, happened to be a Garda. In O’Sé’s miracle escape from the law’s clutches in 2012/13 the get out of jail card was played by Chief Superintendent Pat Mangan.

I was beat into an inch of my life for no reason, by a person I trusted and thought was my best friend
he was back in the bar with some other poor girl
I forgave that man and I married him incredulous to say the least the rest of that night is a black out
I developed a problem with alcohol tell us more

I’ve sent him a snapchat there.

*Not like that.

He was asked to be guest of honour and present medals to a senior county championship winning team a few years back. No bother, says the bould Dara/Darragh, who promptly turned up absolutely scuttered and could barely put a coherent sentence together. Embarrassing for the club involved.


He has an obvious problem with the drink. Would be be an alcoholic? Not excusing getting behind the wheel langersed, and trying to get off with it is a shnakey act too instead of taking his medicine.