More GAA Shame

It’s rare you would hear of anything untoward in most Ulster counties. It is Tyrone and Armagh where most of the issues arise, and it is they that should be dealt with. Derry used to have issues at club level but seem to have addressed them. Sadly in Down we have Kilcoo - some form of Tyrone enclave.
I notice that as the sport moves further away from a skill game to what ‘modern’ managers like Harte and McGeeney have been playing, more and more lunatics are taking on coaching roles. I got abuse off a coach when reffing an u10 game recently. Gaelic football is in a bad state up here, maybe this will be the wake up call that starts to turn things around.


Tyrone and Armagh seem to be very violent counties in general

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Some local Journalist trying to brush this aside saying the injuries from the stabbing are not life threatening.
Fuck sake.

Saying a small few were hounding the referee after the final whistle like it’s normal.

Saying the ref made certain decisions like he brought the situation on himself or caused the issue.

The mentality is just disgraceful

This flute


I would yeah.

I know a lad who knows the fella who got stabbed. The injured party’s son was playing in match and he ran in to protect ref and was stabbed in leg. He is fine now.

Co Tyrone man ‘kicked and stamped on partner’ on her birthday hotel stay |

Commonly known as the Turkish revenge

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A video doing the rounds of a Clare youngster hitting a Kk lass on the hill. I only seen 3 seconds of it.

It looked like he was aiming for somebody behind her but at the same time he didn’t seem overly concerned if she got hit on the way through.

Looks like he was trying to hit some lad behind her.Too many young fellas getting tanked up now heading into matches.Stewards need to started refusing entry to some of these bucks.

He must be from the North.

The GAA should be opening the corner section for matches like today’s. Both because it looks better aesthetically for the viewer and because it might give a better chance of averting these sort of incidents.


There was plenty of spaces today, absolutely no need for that carry-on.Unless that Kilkenny lad was pissing down on him there’s absolutely no need for that.

He robbed the Clare lad’s banjo


The trouble seems to occur at the “join” between the two sets of “Kops”. It seems to me to be almost like a territory thing. It seems to happen up towards the back of the terrace where the respective Kops congregate.

At least if you had both sections open, there is more space to breathe, also the corner section of the terrace being empty looks shit on telly.

The lads involved in it always look exactly like you’d expect, the haircuts, the faces full of anger, the obvious drink and maybe more taken. The whole thing is a clichĂ© of McGregorism and I bet anything all the lads involved in this sort of shite have McGregor stuff on their social media pages.


I agree with this

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Id say this kind of shit happened a lot in the 70s and 80s died off a lot during our generation (not completely but less of an issue) and is back again now. Possibly linked to youth unemployment, alienation etc. Or maybe we were just sound.

They probably retweet Andrew Tate


In the 70s and 80s a lot of bad stuff was driven by genuine boredom and lack of opportunity.

Now it’s not linked to youth unemployment anyway, Ireland is at full employment. There’s a definite culture of alienation and wallowing in anger and self pity though that’s being driven by toxic online subcultures as well as by real issues like the cost of rent.

It’s almost like society is becoming so atomised that occasions like this become a hyper expression of tribalism. Young people (and people in general) now have the tools to never, ever be bored, but yet a lot of them think they’re bored because their attention spans have turned to mush, they crave dopamine highs, and a small minority of them go mad on occasions like today’s. It’s like Hardy Bucks mixed with McGregorism. It’s the same dynamic which produces the ramming of Garda cars in Cherry Orchard.

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