More GAA Shame

A right bit of boxing outside the Heritage on McLean AVE yesterday too.I can’t upload but @Copper_pipe might do the business

The lovely Aisling O Reilly interviewing all these drunk GAA players was never going to end well. It’s just a surprise it’s not the Limericks, you’d never get the CCTV though.

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I thought it was very strange myself she interviewed them after a few pints.

Nothing shocking about that lad it a common enough occurrence.

They didn’t strike me as drunk in that interview at all

Like you’d hate to see a knee jerk reaction but it must be nearly time to cancel the GGA completely

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I watched the 2013 All Ireland Final there. Could have been me but for the grace of God.

Cunt in the green t-shirt wasn’t so hard by the end of it.

No offence to the Aisling fans here but I find her a terrible reporter who is highly dependent on clichĂŠs.


This is a Valerie Wheeler forum.


And she has a forehead like a drive-in

They are far from drunk but definitely have a few pints in them.

Apparently some youngfella with a hammer hit Rico Kelly (the guy on the left in the Aisling interview) and they all ran after him and threw the digs.

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AO’R is there because young men enjoy, naturally enough, being interviewed by a pretty young woman. She seems pleasant and under no illusion about winning a Pulitzer Prize.


That’s about the long and short of it

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Like that FAI fella from Galway, she seems to be able to get some of the players to loosen up a bit which is probably a good thing but after 8+ beverages that is not always a good thing.

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If that’s true then fair game.

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Tis an awful stroke of bad luck though that of all the lads in Dublin yesterday they were the ones set upon by a fella with a hammer.


Smack bang in the Dublin street violence epicentre too.