More GAA Shame

Yes, he spoke as he hurls, with a sort of quirky controlled expansiveness.

Did not think much of his Gucci top, though. But no matter…

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And AO’R as well. Equally true as well.

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DO’D has seen a niche in the market to be the GAA Jack Grealish and fair play to him.

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Yes. What interested me was how conscious they are of all that stuff in the wider sports world.

DO’D came across to me as sharp and far from a sozzled daw. He was saying clearly, for anyone who wanted to listen: ‘We will win three or four of the next six All Irelands, because we have great young fellas coming through.’ His real audience was those young fellas. And fair play to him for being that canny.


I’d agree that there was definitely a message there for Bull O’Brien and those fellas that yes it’s great to be a part of something and get to celebrate when your number 28 on the panel, but they need to step up and win it for themselves in the next few years.

Well, yes. It was the uisce faoi Blue WKD that impressed me, while I was being entertained by the frothy stuff.

Darragh O’Donovan was dead right. You need character and a bit about you to go out and win All Irelands.

His interview with OTB last year was excellent. Very honest.


DOD interview with OTB was the most try hard attempt of trying to be a legend you’ll see.

You’d swear he was John Carroll or Redser O Grady the way he was going on.

Most Doon/Oola people have a fairly flat accent but he was putting on this Moyross tone for no reason.


Lost on me, I must admit…

Brilliant hurler but is unbearable to listen to imho. Each to their own I suppose.

True. But what intrigued me was the coded message.

Purely trying to get a ‘viral’ moment. It’s kinda scummy journalism to be honest.

Left me a bit cold too, but we’re in a different meeja phase. Newstalk have a lot of space to fill.

Thought the Dublin boys (players/Mgt) were a credit to the gaa and Ireland in general yesterday in their reactions and media bits.


O’Donovan is a great bit of stuff. A man you’d want with you in the trenches. Consistently one of the best club hurlers in the county too.

Gave an absolute masterclass in a losing performance v Kilmallock last year too in terrible conditions. Carried them on his back all game long.

5 All-Ireland’s in 6 years, he can drink blue wkd or whatever he wants.


To be fair she hit the jackpot with the FAI fella but that’s just a once in a lifetime sort of thing.

I listened to one of the OTB pieces before the all Ireland where she asked all 6 interviewees the same questions, amateur

Brilliant hurler but unbearable to listen to imho.

Would love to have him in Tipp all the same.

I don’t think I’ve even heard cian lynchs speech yet. I must be the only one but I couldn’t care less for any of the interviews or anything like that.

Doubt very much DOD is too worried about sounding like redser or john Carroll considering he has more all Ireland medals than the two of them combined

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If he’s so unbearable to listen to then don’t listen to it. Nobody is tying you up to listen to it

Will you relax will you, many of the greatest sportsmen are a poor listen. It’s what happens in between the white lines that counts.

That being said, DOD could turn into Dowling II which would be a disaster.