More GAA Shame

He’d definitely get a few votes if he ran but I don’t know who’d back him at this stage.

The European Parliament might suit him.

The Offaly votes alone could win it


Hard to fathom but seems there may actually be a SeĂĄn Quinn element of support for Carey.

You’re not in the know . You’re a hound who hammers real people on the internet while bigging up the Laois championship . Say no more .

I suppose Brian Crowley got in on the back of a profile

This was the inevitable next step when JP took the Limerick seniors professional

I’ve my name back in for underage coaching.
I’m watching MOTD on record as we speak.

I see a lot of people on twitter defending it as a player retention tool, rugby and soccer clubs do it all the time etc. And I kind of get it. But it’s just so unnecessary.

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Looks like a pissup for the mentors,what about the young lads that can’t afford to go?How are they going to feel.


I don’t see much harm in it apart from it being exclusionary for some kids maybe who can’t afford it. Rugby clubs would go on tours alright but would twin with another club and stay in their houses, or maybe play some big weekend blitz and stay in dorms in a college or something… Our own club did it last year but they fundraised the shit out of it beforehand and all the teams there stayed on a massive campsite etc so it was cheap enough maybe 100 quid a head or something… definitely a v good retention tool

I think the *packaging" of this as a warm weather training camp is what’s wrong


Banlashlow Town AFC have an excellent under age structure and go year on year abroad to tournaments in England and the Continent. Traveller Tailor Solidier Spy are brought no one left behind.


The Ballymun Kickham feile teams have been going to Portugal every year for well over a decade. Every kid involved travels.

Yeah I agree whoever put the phrase warm weather training in there was silly but that would be my only issue, just call it a trip. Its hardly elite training, is there some Portuguese lad out there going to train them to be better hurlers? Its a trip away for young lads that clubs of all types all over the country offer. Wrong phrasing used in the blurb I accept but hardly worth lads like Colm Parkinson turning into a major issue on Twitter.

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Football clubs go to play games vs other clubs

Scouts bring 14 year olds away, choirs, youth groups not just football clubs. Is it different a GAA club offering lads that age a trip away?

The horse boxes are circling

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Hapes of them in Banlashlow this morning. Place will be reeking with horse shite come 3 or 4 pm this evening. Litter of Orange Order proportions on the streets. Tis tradition shure

Which sport does more harm to the planet would you say? Soccer or GAA?

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Wouldn’t make his top 20 of the year when it comes to blowing up non issues