More Rugby Shame

Shur the cunt was scuttered. A lot of lads have pissed in quare places when drunk. I knew lad who came home rotten one night and went into his parents room and pissed on top of his mother’s head. When she woke and told him to stop his gently shushed her and finished up his piss.
Let he who hasn’t drunkenly pissed in a wardrobe cast the first stone.

Stone cast…

Hi jinx

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I was away with herself one weekend. After a hefty session I woke up and went into the hotel corridor buck naked to take a piss. Door locked behind me. Took her a good 10 minutes to wake up.

That’s a very weird story. Did the mother just lie there letting him finish his piss?

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A Canadian bird threw me out of her apartment in Temple Bar the night of the Eire-Germany World Cup game in 2002 after I went onto the balcony and started urinating onto the street below. I was conscientious in that I didn’t actually urinate down onto any people, but she was having none of my excuses.

Was she more worried that you were pissing onto the street or that a random stranger had climbed onto her balcony in the first place?


Yes. She took it like a champ.

Pride. Pride is a motherfucker.

Never did it. I can’t understand how it can happen either. How can you be that fucked up that you don’t know where the toilet is? It’s pretty pathetic, but a boast in Ireland.

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Very salty

Exuberance :


Summarise this rubby shame for me @anon61878697

SOB was out drinking in busy pub. Took his top off in the pub to get attention. He then pissed on an innocent bystander.

Nothing out of the ordinary for a rubby player

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They are all closeted homosexuals I think


Aren’t we all