More Rugby Shame

BOI has recently rotated off one Big Four member who was in situ for years.

I wonder if this is related? Considering that the new auditors are Deloitte then I’d doubt it.


“The 57-year-old former managing director of Bank of Ireland private banking is also accused of deceiving two people, Nicola Johnson and Paul Gallagher, to sign a payment instruction to make a gain for himself or causing a loss to another.”

hes fucked if its this paul gallagher

Not as far as I’m aware. The bit where he came from would have been part of the road leagues run by a nascent Raheny Boys soccer club and not overly strong on GAA.

I met him during some bidniz dealings many moons ago.

He wasn’t the brightest lad and that was generally well accepted but his rugby pedigree, background and handsome looks saw him rise to a level beyond his ability. He had that bullet proof confidence that only a thick lad who goes to Blackrock College has.


Do you think he was concussed? Could that be a defence?


He went to Oxford as well where all the thick lads go. The smart fellows go to Cambridge.

Do you think he was selected for Oxford for his intellect?

It’s a wider issue but the reason we live in a different Ireland now is the opening up of free third level from
early 90s. Free education was the genesis for all the wealth we have today.

What would the “fees” have been in the 80’s versus the “registration” costs now?

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Edit. In a TFK first I may be wrong on this. In fact I look like i am wrong and the explosion in college in Ireland happened 5 years before fees were abolished.

Not sure. When they were abolished about one third of UCD students were getting grants

They were halved in 1995 and abolished in 1996.

When I look at it the growth in third level participation in the four or five years before free fees was greater than growth afterwards.

It may be that there was a huge increase in number of college places and that and the grant system of early 90s played a larger role than the free fees as those on grants didn’t pay fees.

Also in 1994 they abolished deed of covenant tax relief where a person could pay income to a child and get tax relief on that amount

Was/is your father a tan?

He went to one of the three great British universities Oxford Cambridge or Hull.


My late father was a Kilkenny man.

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He didn’t last anywhere anyway.

It was an open secret for a long while.

Sounds like it was on going fiddle as opposed to a couple of dodgy deals ?

He looks well for his age.

Mullin is allowed to travel abroad for work!

Is he still employed by BOI?!

How many other people that is accused of stealing €573,000 are allowed to do such a thing?

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The Sinn Fein leadership?


*Of the theft charges, he is accused of stealing €500,000 at Bank of Ireland Private Banking, Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4 on December 16, 2011.

Among the other counts, it is alleged he stole €18,450, also the property of Bank of Ireland at Mespil Road, Dublin 4 on September 7, 2012, and another €18,792 on March 15, 2013.

It is alleged that, dishonestly by deception, he induced a named woman and man to sign a payment instruction with the intention of making gain for himself or another, or causing loss to another, at the Burlington Road location on July 27, 2011*

No he’s long gone. Left in 2013.