More Rugby Shame

northern nsw?

Ya Iā€™ve seen some compliation videos of Ozzie commentators jizzing over lads getting absolutely wiped out

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Weā€™re dancing around an ā€œuncontested scrumā€ proposal here

No I donā€™t think they were coming back from injury, just not part of things with the first team. Was a pitiful site seeing them on the field trying to care about it all, but then Iā€™m sure they would say the same if they saw me at my desk.
A hard cap on games played in Ireland is easy when the opposition are atrocious Italian and Welsh teams with no prospect of relegation, very different story if playing for French or English club though and thatā€™s why it canā€™t work. Them lads are not playing just for themselves, if relegated clubs can end up making over 100 staff redundant. You donā€™t rest your best players and put out the academy lads in them situations.

There has been a massive clampdown on contact to the head and neck area in Union. The level of red cards gone through the roof. The wasps red today wouldnā€™t even have been a penalty 10 years ago. And if you look who does the most complaining about red cards ruining the games etc etc itā€™s all ex pros from the last few decades

No question but world rugby have to and will hold the ground on this clampdown and soon enough the culture of going so high will change


there was a huge drop off of kids playing league in oz, way too violent for parents

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You do if you think itā€™s the difference to keep the pro game alive. Itā€™s a different story if everyone has to do it.

Risk your own club dying to save the pro game? I canā€™t imagine many volunteers. A fair few lads have had to retire due to concussion issues in Ireland as well in recent years despite all the player welfare stuff the IRFU go on about.

And the dross at the bottom of the English premiership is woeful. Worcester, Bath, wasps all atrocious sides this season.

Mario Itoje is being flogged half to death with matches.

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I donā€™t think there is any chance the clubs will decide to do it. And probably will never happen. Thatā€™s just my view on what should happen. If it could ever happen it would need to be mandated by world rugby

Good few retiring from concussion alright. Dementia is a different level altogether though

Be worse Iā€™d say. Fewer players, more space, bigger impacts.

Thereā€™s a bit of evidence to suggest that itā€™s not necessarily poor technique causing problems, as itā€™s not certain that the damage is being caused by direct head injury, more that itā€™s deceleration of both attacker and defender. Limit the number of games a player can play per season is the only way to mitigate it Iā€™d imagine.
Scrums arenā€™t the problem at all. Neck injuries yes, but thatā€™s a different thing.

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Surely with more space you would assume that teams would look to move the ball and try and make line breaks and offload before going into contact rather than just trying to crash into each other with straight line running

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They actually tried a few years back giving more room to attacking players by making the defences stand further back. The worry was that it made the collisions higher speed.
I think reducing the numbers would open the space as you say, but Iā€™m not sure reducing to 13 would be sufficient. Itā€™s one of those things theyā€™d just have to try.
Combine league and union and you may have a viable professional sport, or may put both sides off equally.

Yeahā€¦ I mentioned the ā€œobviousā€ concussions where you see fellas drunk on the pitch. Most of those are just fella ploughing into knees with their eyes closed

True. Nobody really knows anything much about concussion tbh.

2 of the bottom 3 teams in the Aviva league this season were 2 of the top 3 teams in the league last season. Whatever about the standard, itā€™s a hugely competitive league which is very different to what the Irish sides play in. There is no point trying to suggest there is any comparison.

This is from 2012ā€¦penalty

Would be a straight red and a months ban now. A disgraceful effort from haskell

Itā€™s definitely competitive. But the shit teams in the UrC are competitive with each other as well

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