More Rugby Shame

Aye but that’s why Irish sides can pick and choose the games their stars play in. And even the rubbish sides don’t have the fear of relegation so there is no risk to them resting players. They have used Covid as an excuse to temporarily end relegation in England, I expect they will keep it and then at least players will have some prospect of being better protected.

Yeah the relegation is never coming back in England. But there is such a divide now between top and bottom sides they are rotating anyway. I used to be a big fan of premiership but its gone to pot in the last few years. French league best by a country mile but that gets fairly dour as well at times

Harlequins are reigning champions and 8 of their 11 games this season have been decided by 7 points or less.

Jaysus that’s an odd one. Suggesting in that a couple took advantage of the girl. Some deviants out there

It’s horrible . What was the kick the woman was getting out of it .

Threesome gone badly wrong ….

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42 year old women spiking drinks sounds like what was happening in teds bar a few year ago

Go on tell us what happened you…

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A granbang

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Surely she shouldn’t be a free woman now, let alone going to the papers and advertising herself

Marland Yarde or Manu Tualagi only two ex English internationals at Sale I can think of?

Wasn’t Tualagi a bold boy at the last World Cup?

It’s yerman Yarde apparently. Never heard of him

Don’t know him but his Wikipedia has his parent listed as Scotland Yarde. :grinning:


Played on the wing half dozen times or so for England.

He’ll be Prison Yarde soon!


“Ms Ntonya, 41 admitted that she is a high-class sex worker who charges £160 per hour and operates out of her home in the Gorton area of the city.”

Is she a he?
I wouldn’t ride her for €160, not to mind pay it


She/He looks like Marcus Rashford with a wig.

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