More Rugby Shame

Remember hbv used to log in boasting about riding wans like that.

Iā€™d say sheā€™d tickle @Tassottiā€™s fancy too.

Is it the one the Toure brothers banged a few years back?

I think itā€™s actually one of the Toure brothers


Kolo was some man

Yards is 29 and Manu is 30 and your correct only 2 in that bracket based on sales roaster on the website

Ah Jaysus. Snapchat fraud. Shur thatā€™s the way itā€™s gone.

What a fucking hamster.

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Would you buy a iPhone off Snapchat? But of cop is also needed

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Scamming bastards

My worst experience is when I took an awful knock to my AC joint in my shoulder, which set me back big time. I was out for 3 months
Hope to fuck he along with all the other scammers get the book thrown at them

Anyone letting their accounts be used need to be made an example of

Another 2 got suspended sentences yesterday
What a fuckin judiciary

Doubt there was any friend at all and he just trousered it.

Youā€™d wonder did the dope keep it quiet for fear of fallout with Munster. Had he told them, theyā€™d have likely stepped in long before it saw court and sorted it by paying back the money and take from his contract.

Fucking double-dope this fella

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Money-muling and related IBAN shenanigans are very widespread

Only a kid making a mistake ffs.

Say youā€™re right
This stupidity needs to stop
Examples need made
Hardly a week goes by and this shite is highlighted
Yet no jail time ever?
Someone has to pay

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How do you lose money on property bought in Ballsbridge in 2017?

Donā€™t give it to Mr Mullin to invest for a start