More Rugby Shame

Arenā€™t we all


What does @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy make of this carry on?

Why donā€™t you get him out of the closet and ask him?

Just because you have a history of climbing up buildings onto peopleā€™s balconies, you shouldnā€™t assume others have

Rory Best on the way down as we speak to act as a character witness.



Mick Galwey has already written a letter of support


Heā€™s off to join Paddy Jackson in London Irish at the end of the season. #brothersinarms

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Sean Oā€™Brien loves the cocks

A proud Loin himself

Plays for Fighting Cocks in Carlow

Get his own out at Cassidyā€™s

Now teaming up with another player who has form for putting his cock in a place it wasnā€™t wanted

Also a slight irony that he had to be rescued by a man named Henshaw

A lot of teetotalers here who wouldnā€™t say boo to a ghost by the looks of things. Fuck sake a man goes out for a few beers to blow off a bit of steam before going in for a serious operation and he gets slaughtered by the TFK holier than thou set.

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There will be a Barryā€™s Tea ad made about this incident yet

Turn the moment gold

If you canā€™t make a dominant tackle on the pitch, a crowded pub will do

Pissing on someoneā€™s leg is blowing off a bit of steam?

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Iā€™d say there was steam involved alright

Hopefully no blowing though

There would have been steam of the stream of piss anyway

Good man Ewan. Always quick to demand legal action when he is upset but will go straight onto Twitter with accusations against others. I guess when DMs are your sources, thatā€™s what happens.


Will Donald Trump be contacting Oā€™Brien seeking his services?

I think Trump already has the services of more than enough SOBs

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It is for rubby lads yeah ā€¦ taking your top off in a bar making a show of yourself is only a bit of bantz apparently. The same lad was at a strangers house last year and he pissed all over her house ā€” more bantz apparently. Dont mind the other people having to suffer your antics - they are only plebs ā€“ rubby lads are entitled to do as they please, where they please ā€¦ See the texts and high 5s from the Ulster boys in the rape case ā€“ the spit roasting from Zebo + Murray and recent texts from Munster academy players ā€¦ all only blowing off a bit of steam. Eddie Halvey - blowing off a bit of steam. Brian Murphyā€™s death - blowing off a bit of steam.

All good clean fun.


I presume you complained in the same manner when rumours emerged that Neil Prendiville whipped out his tool on aeroplane

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Another rugby cock involved here

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Thatā€™s a smashing post mate