More Rugby Shame

Ahh hold on now a fucking second SOB has had a fucking rough week. He was just blowing off a bit of steam.

I hear you pal … I’m having a tough week myself … send on your address there and i’ll call around and piss on you ---- I’ll shit on your front door step too for good measure… i know you’ll understand as i’ll only be blowing off a bit of steam.


Disgusting carry on

You come within 5 clicks of my place and Il set the dogs on you

I’m only blowing off a bit of steam pal.

He’ll piss on your dogs

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I’ll jam my thumb up their hole

Smashing post

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Be a good idea to wear these next time he goes to the pub

I have read the thread and this is the closest to my thoughts. He’s a deviant and I do not like to say that about a person but he needs to be brought to account for that behaviour.


Hardly any wonder that Leinster are shipping this disgusting cunt out. Can’t be good for the brand.

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In fairness who the fuck do these rugby cunts think they are?

A fella minding his own business having a few pints and then being pissed on in public is surely a criminal matter.

I think we should wait for all the facts to be in before passing judgement. We’ve had one side of the story so far.

This cunt should be named & shamed. Otherwise he’ll be free to continue pissing on unsuspecting members of the public in public houses under the cloak of anonymity. He should be done for lewd behaviour and public indecency.

Zeebs and Murray were never publically named for their antics in the Shelbourne Hotel.

He should be ashamed of himself. Scumbag behaviour from an elite crowd of cunts who think they’re better than everyone else.

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Is there more needed? He pissed on another man’s leg in the pub. Not in the jacks, where splashback could be excused.

He intentionally pissed on someone.

He has no story, it’s literally inexcusable. Unless the pisee was on fire and even then you’d apologise


OK guys. @Horsebox was being glib,

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Yet another Limerick person wanting to engage in sex acts with a dog. Ffs sake.

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You’d want to finish that quick mate,

If you lose your insincere position, you’re at nothing.

Why would you publically name someone for having consensual sex :man_shrugging:

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