Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Michael Noonan, Grace.

Inquiry ongoing.

Do we need a State inquiry to find out if someone was a member of a political party? Is this like the 70 odd Shinners “in the toilet” during the Robert McCartney assault, nobody remembers if this person signed up to SF?

It’s utterly flabbergasting how the Maria Cahill case got wall to wall media coverage when a government minister lobbied for a girl with special needs to remain in the care of foster parents suspected of abusing her got minimum coverage.

Absolutely unbelievable in fact.


Two wrongs don’t make a right

Both parties have blood on their hands in these cases

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There’s only one of them on the front of the papers though. It would nearly make you think the political establishment and MSM dont really care about child abuse at all.


There’s a big difference between a paramilitary organisation investigating claims of sexual abuse by one of their members when the victim refused to cooperate with the police authorities. The guy was found guilty and the IRA offered to execute him.

The other case is a government minister lobbying for a child with special needs to remain in the care of a foster family who were believed to have been abusing her.

They are night and day. A FG minister was openly lobbying for suspected child abusers to get access to vulnerable children.


Deflect deflect deflect

There have been investigations into Grace with one ongoing, there are issues with certain witnesses and their ability to give testimony. That is getting plenty of attention.

How dare anyone criticise your precious Shinners.

That’s what you’re doing on Grace.

A government minister at the time lobbying for one suspected abusers to get access to vulnerable children. That’s one of the biggest scandals you could ever imagine a political figure to shake off.

This particular political figure was also a party leader at one point and Tanaiste and the media didn’t care about it.

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But you’re the one that is bringing the other case into a Thread about SF

Yeah, balance is important.

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Just two front pages that are easily available.

It’s been a huge story.

The Sinn Féin victim complex knows no bounds.



Nicely hidden away in a btw manner.

Those headlines seem to suggest a massive cover-up. They’re also from years ago with nothing released since.

You were wrong, the end.

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Sweep, sweep.

Twas a mighty sound gesture :grinning:


Try harder next time.

Back to the original point raised

I’d go further than Sinn Féin members. Why do the likes of Una Mullally stick their heads in the sand over this but will happily bring up how terrible Catholic Ireland was for LGBT people and women. It seems that some in the LGBT community are alert to the hypocrisy, any word from Mary Lou denouncing her hero Sean Russell? Will the boys in the Army Council allow her?

Would beat going around lobbying for suspected abusers to get access to vulnerable kids all the same.

Or allowing them to continue to go to youth clubs