More shame for the travelling community

Two men have been wounded in a shooting at the Smithfield horse fair in Dublin this morning.

The men were wounded by shots fired from a shotgun at 11.30am.

Both men have been admitted to hospital, but gardaí say their injuries are not life-threatening. Both are from Offaly and the same family.

The Army Bomb Disposal Team was called to the area after the discovery of the homemade shotgun.

The Defence Forces said the gun was made safe and handed over to gardaí.

There has also been other trouble at the fair following disturbances. One man has been taken to hospital after he was attacked with a slash hook.

Gardaí believe that 4,500 people turned out for the monthly horse fair, which is the biggest of the year and attracts people from all over Ireland and the UK.

They feared there would be trouble today and wanted the fair cancelled because too many people were expected in a small area.

Dublin City Council has also tried but failed to overrule the right to hold the Fair in Smithfield.

Gardaí believe the trouble today relates to an ongoing Traveller feud.

There is also footage of these clowns beating the lard out of each other with golf clubs and sticks. It’s more proof as if it was needed that these animals can’t behave themselves in public surrounded by people from the settled community and their kids…

:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:

just saw the clip on the news


It’s refreshing that you can acknowledge it mate as someone who has worked with these beasts in the past. It’s a damning indictment on them.

In fairness, I hate knackers, but fights at horse fairs are one of their more endearing characteristics.
It’s a real throw back to days of faction fights at the Fair of Stonehall.

I won’t be commenting further on this matter until i hear what Rintinin has to say on this incident.

All I can say is I’m saddened to hear neither of the two dirty scumbags were killed, that is all.

The nights not over yet.


Ah now, the faction fights continue but under different guises such as my home team v our northern neighbours in blue & yellow. The origins of rural FG/FF mirror the shanvests /caravats and the other names used for agrarian factionalism pitting strong farmers against small famers and labourers.

Disgusting carry on alright. You’d never see settled people shoot each other in Dublin.

Besides the scumbags who were hurt in this incident, Where any of the animals at the fair injured?

I hope Patrick Bergin gets some inspiration to pen a follow up to his hugely successful song of 2003?

I read recently about faction fights back in the late 1800’s around about our area, HOLY FUCK! No wonder when people went off the the States they thought we were all animals.

I think it’s Ballylanders Pattern Day where they still go lerk. I remember reading a report on it in the Limerick Leader not so long ago, as there was about 10 fellas up in court for various incidents arising out of the day. There were some brilliant comments with the report.

nah, no other pikeys were hurt. I wonder if nallys law applies to pikey on pikey shooting ?

Joe Duffy should be good today. :slight_smile: The crazies are going to be on.

How ironic that its now the orthodontic capital of Ireland?

While I draw breath there will always be a fair in Smithfield. Disgusting to see the animal rights pricks jump on this bandwagon and call for it to be shut down. There were no animals hurt only people. What’s the problem? I would hope that Dunph would be unequivocal in his support for the fair itself, if not some of the protagonists. The fair must go on.

Indeed I was in the Cobblestone last night and the consensus was twas much ado about nothing. There is always fighting at Cahermee and there’s never any calls for it to be shut down, though it as good as closes the town. These animal rights bastards are merely using this bit of hi jinx to close it down.