More shame for the travelling community


I have no beef with travellers, in fact I have got some good deals on hardware appliances off them in the past.

I don’t think all travellers should be run out of the country. I sincerely hope that in time the majority of them might not be violent, homphobic, backward thieves.
Muslims might be homophobes also, but at least the majority of them are capable of abiding by the law.

I think you mentioned Travellers are treated with more respect in England. Could be something to do with the fact that 1% of the prison population over there is Traveller, so most of the scum is locked up?

Is the board really homphobic? I thought the only actual homophobes were drink-driving bog-dwellers such as Link and his ilk. Most of the homphobic stuff is just having a laugh, no? Sure isn’t ClarkeyCat gay?

I assumed most of the board were gay going on about wearing scarves and what they had for dinner and what not

The Great Rocko fighting the travellers rights for inclusion …just him and the ‘more enlightened ones’ can have an opinion though… :rolleyes: and your miles off about it being a big problem just here…Next time you go to Southern Spain avoid the champagne of Marbella and the egg & chips eating Brits in Malaga…take a drive to the towns around Granada and Cordoba or into Seville and over the bridge to the neighbourhood that is ‘los tres mils viviendas’…see how many taxi’s will bring you into the latter…you’ll see how good Irish travellers have it here in ireland…

I meet travellers on a daily basis. I’ve sat beside them in school, I’ve played sport with them (the most recent lad I played soccer with unfortunately missed half the season because he got locked up for robbing a pensioner - no one else on the team ended up in jail), I’ve coached them, drank pints with them and sang songs with them. But bar a handful the most of those lads have been in serious trouble with the law at different times and involved in numerous violent incidents.

The want for travellers to better themselves and their lot needs to come from Travellers themselves. How many traveller parents encourage their children to go out and get a job? Discrimination is handy excuse for sitting around bone idle. There’s plenty of local businesses have hired traveller youngsters looking to make a go of things but few of them stick at it and I’d have good time for any of them who are genuinely trying to get out of the cycle they were born into.

Me too. I went to school with five of them. One of them was really quite a nice lad and I used give him my apple every day. I wasn’t too fond of apples at the time. He susequently drank himself to death.

i would imagine alcohol misuse is a big problem among the socially excluded alright

[quote=“The All Seeing Eye, post: 568294”]sickening to hear such arseholes on this thread

it beggars belief that the socially excluded are the victims of their hate[/quote]

It’s no surprise that the global thinking explorers from the aviation heart of Ireland have a more liberal and tolerant worldview in general and respect for nomadic people in particular. The insular half wits from the back of beyond obviously feel threatened by those who move beyond local horizons.

[quote=“scumpot, post: 568309”]

The Great Rocko fighting the travellers rights for inclusion …just him and the ‘more enlightened ones’ can have an opinion though… and your miles off about it being a big problem just here…Next time you go to Southern Spain avoid the champagne of Marbella and the egg & chips eating Brits in Malaga…take a drive to the towns around Granada and Cordoba or into Seville and over the bridge to the neighbourhood that is ‘los tres mils viviendas’…see how many taxi’s will bring you into the latter…you’ll see how good Irish travellers have it here in ireland…[/quote]

I specifically said it wasn’t a uniquely Irish problem so not sure why you think I did.

I’m not sure if Rocko is wumming here or if in fact he is this stupid.

Society has done its part; the equal status act, funding pavee point and other traveller inclusion resources, giving social welfare even though they are of no fixed abode which is generally a ground for exclusion, specialist teaching resources, halting sites.
.in return, the travellers have only given padraig nally

How many travellers live in “leafy” fingal rocko?

unlike you muldoons us fingalians dont do a headcount on the socially excluded in our society- they are integrated members of our society

So thats 0 then is it ncc

Its the longest running WUM if he is, so…

because you finished your post by saying ‘but ours is a really big problem’… you put on emphasis on our problem…i merely pointed out its ten times worse in other palces…
Runt hit the nail on the head…travellers hold the key to how they are they are perceived…this poor victims shit is way
too prevailent in society nowadays…everyone seems to have an excuse not to follow the laws that govern the country…whether it be Sean Quinn or soem members of the travelling community…while the guys in the middle who go about their business as tax paying, law abiding citizens working to earn a crust are the ones struggling to make end’s meet…

I would imagine that majority of posters on this forum are the product of a fairly functional family. As a consequence, many of the things that we pride ourselves on such as academia, professional advancement, sporting achievements etc are the result of a learned value system from this environment.

I would confidently say that if I was born into the traveler community, then the probability is that I would have ended up like those travelers that the runt, RTT and the Dunph etc describe in this thread. What other chance did I have?

One should not judge someone else until they have walked in their shoes. Travelers are hugely discriminated against in all aspects of life in this country. The minute the majority of people see them in public, be it a shop, cinema pub etc, they immediately look upon them with suspicion.

It is not surprising that suicide rates are so high among young traveler men.

This Government and previous governments have no interest in tackling this problem.

yeah…you’ll find such eclectic mix of people in Gibneys of Malahide alright… :lol: