More shame for the travelling community

Is johnjoe the first traveler to contribute anything to Irish society, anything? I don’t think Blackie Connors was a real person.

Johnjoe seems a remarkable young lad but let’s not get carried away.

IV 30 years dealing with the cunts and to a man they are rotten, sorry but that’s my experience. Free housing, social welfare with no conditions, laws to suit themselves etc they contribute nothing.

Maybe all the genuine Irish travelers are out in Germany?

Francie Barrett contributed plenty

Personally I hope he acts as an inspiration to other travellers to mend their ways. Because the majority are scum. And it’s up to them to change, not us. The viewpoint is widespread on this board, I believe, because most of us have had mainly bad experiences with them. It’s no different to tdb or the other lads branding all cyclists as dopers. Cyclists didn’t do themselves any favours and pretty much deserve their rep. Knackers are the same.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 568286”]

Personally I hope he acts as an inspiration to other travellers to mend their ways. Because the majority are scum. And it’s up to them to change, not us. The viewpoint is widespread on this board, I believe, because most of us have had mainly bad experiences with them. It’s no different to tdb or the other lads branding all cyclists as dopers. Cyclists didn’t do themselves any favours and pretty much deserve their rep. Knackers are the same.[/quote]
Smashing post. Fair play to Nevin but unfortunately he is by far the exception rather than the rule.

Rockos post is quite amusing in the way he grasps for vindication.

Grunka lunka dunkity doo
We’ve got a friendly warning for you
Grunka lunka dunkity loxing
John Joe Nevin is good at the boxing

Can you name me one social grouping who were on the margins of society in the history of mankind who successfully managed to integrate themselves into ‘civilsied society’ without the civilised society driving the change?

While I am far from an apologist for Travellers there has been nothing but lip service paid to them by successive governments since the foundation of the state. This has now led to the mess we are in now. While they may well play the discrimination card and ‘traveller’ culture card this is as much a defence mechanism as anything else. It is easy talk about them changing their ways and integrating better but how do you expect them to do this when they are met with nothing but naked prejudice. There isn’t another social grouping in this country who suffers as much blind prejudice as the travelling community

Travellers are homophobic and to be gay in the Travelling community is a massive taboo. If they’re intolerant of/prejudiced against a grouping of society, why should other members of society go out of their way to integrate them.

And that’s just for starters.

Indeed, i suppose we should run every Muslim out of the country as well while we are at it

Two most recent examples of Traveller behaviour in our area:

Last week two travellers from a nearby town drove down one of the main street of the town and shot at two other local travellers

At the weekend there was a big local fundraiser on to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. One of the pubs went to a lot of effort in creating a beer garden, setting up a stage and organising music etc for the evening. The night ended up having to be stopped early after travellers started fighting and generally wrecking the place.

Last year another local business tried to organise a weekend festival to raise money for Charity. Again that had to be stopped on the Saturday after travellers ran riot on the Friday night and attack the people who were running the fun fair. There was chaos with alot of innocent bystanders caught up in the violence.

Our town has basically been destroyed by different traveller families to the point where community groups know they are wasting their time trying to organise any big community activity as they know what the end result will be.

This board is homophobic FFS. We had a celeb spot adjudicator candidate standing on that very platform. I didn’t see you crying out for everyone on this forum to be outcasts as a result.

They’re not the “two most recent examples of traveller behaviour” from your area. They’re the two most recent negative examples of traveller behaviour. And you threw in one from last year. And you forgot to mention if there have been any other fights in your town in the intervening 12 months that weren’t caused by travellers.

sickening to hear such arseholes on this thread

it beggars belief that the socially excluded are the victims of their hate

Ok, sorry the most recent example that I saw myself would have been yesterday evening when I was driving home from work I saw a group of them sitting on the steps of their council house chatting and admiring one of the others new 2011 Avensis.

I can’t think of any other full scale riots and any other community fundraisers that had to be called a halt to because of the behaviour of non-travellers, be it in the last 12 months or the last 72 months.

all this travellers need a chance bollox …by and large do they not go to the same schools as us??..there were some in my school anyway…well at least there was until they left to start working cash in hand…travellers only want their kids to marry fellow travellers…they also are complete homophobes…
Rocko …what has your experiences been like when auditing the books of traveller run companies?..

as a teen i worked in a petrol station- one day i mistakenly filled the water tank in a travelers van with diesel

he took my error very graciously

It must be great to able to preach from your high horse about integration and inclusion when in turn you never have to deal with the criminality and negative behaviour of the travelling community.

Excuse me my main stance was anti scarves.

We have had travellers do plenty of work for us in the past and my auld lad has had numerous settled travellers as apprentices and labourers and he never had a bother with them, one of which was Daniel Fitzgerald who was tragically killed in Limerick by one of the Collopys a couple of years in a case of mistaken identity. Good workers and quite respectful to the auld lad. The brother lived across the road from an uncle of some of these Fitzgerlad lads for a number of years and they were the very same as anyone else

find that very easy to believe-

[quote=“The Runt, post: 568298”]

It must be great to able to preach from your high horse about integration and inclusion when in turn you never have to deal with the criminality and negative behaviour of the travelling community.[/quote]

I’m not preaching at all. I haven’t defended any behaviour or anyone in particular, merely pointed out that seeing as most people agree that Nevin is a good guy I’d hope those who judged every single traveller the same might realise there are differences.

And I’d hope the more enlightened few might acknowledge that their social background denies them opportunities.

It doesn’t really matter that they go to the same schools because they don’t have the same chances at the end even if they do finish school. There is a large group of people here who wouldn’t employ a traveller and who would defend that position because of personal experience. I have an issue with that but that’s not the big problem. The real problem is that those same people will tell you that travellers have the same chances as anyone else and choose not to take them. The reality is that a traveller has absolutely no genuine chance of professional employment in this country. That creates disillusionment, welfare reliance, crime, poverty, social unrest etc. It’s not a uniquely Irish problem because most countries have an “underclass” they don’t want to deal with. But ours is a really big problem.

I have also had isolated negative experiences with members of the travelling community, but why any man would hold these incidents against a whole social grouping is beyond me. It says more about their closed mindset than anything else.

I have also noticed that Travellers are far more welcome in pubs in the UK than they are at home and there is always a few who frequent my regular at the weekend. They just sit in the corner keeping themselves to themselves, they would even have the good manners and grace to ask everyone in the pub late at night if it was alright if they could sing a song, they would also remain in complete silence while someone else would sing. But i suppose there is a bit of a different mindset over here towards them