More shame for the travelling community

anybody else get the impression @Mark Renton is a settled traveler, its just that he 's too ashamed to admit it?

Given some of the stuff he’s admitted on here already I doubt it

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 928817, member: 1786”]I gave a traveller a lift the other day.

When is the last time any of fucking holy mary do-gooders on here gave one a lift?[/QUOTE]

I gave a traveller a lift to New ross one evening. He was on his way home from the annual Borris fair where they fuck the town up, and he ran out of petrol (for his car). It was pissing rain, and he needed to get to New ross to get some petrol and he’d get one of the boyos to give him a lift back up to the car and the family he left behind in it. sound chap. talked about hurling mainly and how the Geraldines had gone to shit and should be doing better than they are. he also took of his saturated coat before he got in, said he didnt want to destroy the front seat on me.

Agreed, the Wexford knackers are generally sound

There was a great article from Brenda Power in the Daily Mail today, very well written. :clap:

They’re planning a series of fights “out on a road” on July 1st. There’s been mention of cross-bows and weapons. Can somebody contact the Gardai in relation to this and tip them off so that no innocent by-standers are hit by arrows etc and so that no innocent children have to witness these gentlemen beating each other shirtless.

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 935565, member: 2269”]

They’re planning a series of fights “out on a road” on July 1st. There’s been mention of cross-bows and weapons. Can somebody contact the Gardai in relation to this and tip them off so that no innocent by-standers are hit by arrows etc and so that no innocent children have to witness these gentlemen beating each other shirtless.[/QUOTE]

Can you not contact them yourself mate?

Could we not just put them on a reservation somewhere so they can be true to their culture/ethnicity and they wouldn’t have to be bothering us normal humans.

Perhaps allow them gambling rights on this “reservation”?

Tipperary it is so.

If anyone wants to come along and watch the boys on July 1st drop me a pm - Day packages include a meet and greet pre-fight lunch with the Mcginley and Joyce women, extras include a night on the town with the winning family- Fight only packages available also.

Will you be Jamaican DVD’s?

No- but i’ll be heavily involved in editing and supplying sub-titles…

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 935762, member: 180”]Perhaps allow them gambling rights on this “reservation”?

Tipperary it is so.[/QUOTE]

Why would you want to do that when you could just hold them all where they are by throwing a knacker-proof fence around limerick.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

[QUOTE=“redman, post: 935907, member: 1731”]Why would you want to do that when you could just hold them all where they are by throwing a knacker-proof fence around limerick.

:smiley: :smiley: :D[/QUOTE]
Like a Knacker Israel?

Cute, Mac. Because i’m not in the country, obviously. I have stated that before. Now can somebody find out where this series of public brawls are to take place so that the Gardai can be contacted as i’m sure they’ll be out in force to stop this dangerous event which would be a big health and safety risk to innocent bystanders such as elderly women or children.

What do you care? You up and left when the going got tough-Leave Ireland to the Irish please.

Here you go mate, email addresses and all.

You’re welcome

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 935912, member: 109”]Here you go mate, email addresses and all.

You’re welcome[/QUOTE]

You’re so pedantic, mate. Why can’t you just be like a normal citizen and be concerned about this abnormal, violent behaviour these people engage in? Or is it only when it’s on your own doorstep that you take notice, because you would be the first to scream blue murder then.

+353 999

[QUOTE=“redman, post: 935907, member: 1731”]Why would you want to do that when you could just hold them all where they are by throwing a knacker-proof fence around limerick.

:smiley: :smiley: :D[/QUOTE]
This wouldnt cater for the knackers in Wexford, Westmeath, Galway and Longford. We get them into Tipp, and we build a wall.