More shame for the travelling community

In the length of time it took you to respond you could have fired those YouTube videos to the Garda email address. You’re like one of those Joe Duffy callers who’ll complain but do nothing.

No balls at all. Van Gaal would have a field day with this fella…

Or throw them all into Laois which would improve all counties involved.

How predictable. Ballinasloe. That is all.

If have no time for these fuckers but it has to be said the tinkers in Wexford are mostly ok. They are more like the traditional tinker that goes around selling a few bits and bobs. There’s a rake of them in New Ross that would be sound enough, good hand ballers too

Contact the gendarmes and theyll drop the gardai a text

True enough.


Traveller groups have called on Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan to apologise for using the “deeply offensive” phrase “knacker” when he attacked the Sunday Independent, and called on him to desist from using the phrase again.

[SIZE=5]Mr Hogan confronted this reporter several weeks ago about recent negative coverage of him in this newspaper, describing us as “knackers” and threatened that he and his fellow ministers would put “manners” on us.

Following our reporting of Mr Hogan’s comments, several Traveller groups are now calling on him to apologise.

In a letter to the Sunday Independent, Traveller activist Martin Mongan said: “The word knacker is a grave insult to the Traveller community. This is akin to calling a coloured person a ‘nigger’.”

Mr Mongan added: “This sort of racist behaviour needs to be stamped out and it is unbecoming of a politician to engage in such behaviour in this day and age. We expect that, through the medium of the Sunday Independent, Mr Hogan will apologise to the many tens of thousands of Traveller people who reside here and who are disappointed at the racist language used.”

National Traveller group Pavee Point concurred with the letter’s sentiments, saying the comments by Mr Hogan were “totally inappropriate”.

Martin Collins, director with Pavee Point, said the use of such a term is “deeply offensive” to members of the Traveller community and he also called on Mr Hogan to acknowledge the remark was wrong.

“It is a very offensive term, and totally wrong for a minister to say it. If he wants to apologise, that is up to him, but I think it is right that he acknowledge what he said was wrong and that he refrain from saying it in the future,” Mr Collins said.

Damien Walshe, of the Irish Traveller Movement, said he too found the remarks “very derogatory” and a “red flag” to Travellers.

He cited similar remarks made by a member of the judiciary and said all those in high-profile public roles must set a “good example” and using such terms falls short of that.

“It is incumbent on all public representatives, whether they be a politician, judge or whatever, never to use this word. While he may not have been using it directly in a Traveller context, everyone knows it is a derogatory comment for Travellers,” Mr Walshe said.

“We must not allow it to be okay to make such harmful comments about the most marginalised in our society.”

Earlier this month, Mr Hogan branded the Sunday Independent and another newspaper as “knackers” and threatened to “put manners” on us for publishing pictures of himself and his now former press secretary in Doha on Budget day.

Mr Hogan accused this newspaper of engaging in a “disgraceful game” and threatened, “We will put manners on you.”

Mr Hogan was reacting to coverage of himself in recent months. He said he would refuse to deal with this paper, branding us “knackers” for publishing the picture. “You will get nothing from me. Knackers, for what you did,” he said.

“You guys better get some manners or we’ll put manners on you,” he added.

This weekend, Mr Hogan’s spokesman said he had no response to the calls for an apology. [/SIZE]

What a rag of a newspaper. :rolleyes:[/SIZE]

A RATHKEALE man who went berserk in a local pub after he was refused a drink was sentenced to three years imprisonment.

Roger Ryan, aged 30, of Fairhill, Rathkeale pleaded guilty to charges of assault and criminal damage relating to an incident at Kathleen’s Bar on September 16, 2010.

During a sentencing hearing, Limerick Circuit Court was told that after he was refused a drink and asked to leave, Ryan became aggressive and threw a bar stool at an elderly man. He then struck the man across the head with a pool cue before leaving the premises.

Once outside he smashed the front windows with rocks and caused almost €3,000 worth of damage to a jeep belonging to the publican –Kathleen Mulcair – which was parked outside.

Garda Tom Flavin said the accused man was only charged in connection with the incident last summer as he “left the scene that evening and fled to the UK”.

Garda Flavin told John O’Sullivan BL, prosecuting, that Ryan told gardai he had taken Xanax and drank a bottle of whiskey earlier in the night and could not remember what happened.

Judge Carroll Moran was told Ryan,who has 59 previous convictions, paid €3,500 in compensation to Mrs Mulcair last December and that he also paid €500 to the elderly man he assaulted.

Brian McInerney BL said his client’s “carry on was completely unacceptable and that he apologises unreservedly.

He said “there was a level of intoxication” on the night and that Ryan, who comes from a “nomadic background” intends starting a new life in the UK with his wife and young family when he is released from prison.

“His wife has tolerated his behaviour so far but he is on a yellow card,” he said.

Imposing sentence, Judge Moran described the offence as a ”ferocious attack”.

He said an aggravating factor was that the man Ryan assaulted was more than double his age. “It is pretty nasty for a young man to be attacking somebody more than twice his own age,” he said.

The judge commented that Ryan has a very bad criminal record and he noted that he had absconded following the incident. He said in the circumstances he had to impose a prison sentence.

He jailed Ryan for three years backdating the sentence to the date Ryan was first remanded in custody - June 8, last.

Since he returned to Limerick, Ryan has been banned from entering every local authority estate in Rathkeale.

In December, Limerick County Council was granted an exclusion order for three years after it initiated proceedings against Ryan and another man.

Here’s another recent incident that was before the courts involving the same man and his mother:

A crowd led by a mother of 17 and two of her sons repelled two gardaí as they tried to seize a powerful car in which five balaclava-clad men were travelling, a court has heard.

Garda Lesley Maloney and Garda Padraig Cronin were put in fear for their lives as Bridget Ryan, aged 56, and her son Roger Ryan, aged 30, called on up to 15 others who emerged from their home in Rathkeale.

Both Ryans, with an address at Fair Green, Rathkeale, Co Limerick, yesterday pleaded guilty at Limerick Circuit Court to a charge of violent disorder.

The Ryan home was described in court as a fortress.

Garda Tom Flavin said Garda Maloney and Garda Cronin were on duty in a patrol car in Rathkeale, shortly after midnight on June 7 when they came upon a powerful 2.5l Ford Mondeo. There were five men in the car, all wearing balaclavas.

On seeing the patrol car, the Mondeo reversed at speed into the yard of Ms Ryan’s home at Fair Green. In doing so, the car struck a gate pillar.

The men took off their balaclavas. One was Roger Ryan and another a brother of his, described in court as Mr X, who fled to Britain after the incident.

The gardaí were obstructed by Bridget Ryan and one of her daughters as they tried to take possession of the car. Bridget Ryan started to shout to people in the house to come out to help get the gardaí out of her yard. She shouted at them to kill the gardaí. As she did so, up to 15 people came out of the house.

The gardaí were concerned for their safety and feared their lives were at risk as Bridget Ryan, Roger Ryan and Mr X threatened to kill them.

Garda Flavin told the court Bridget Ryan kept screaming “ram the guards” with the Mondeo.

At one point, the gardaí heard a female voice mention a pipe bomb.

As Garda reinforcements were called, all the group went back into the Ryan house, which prosecuting counsel John O’Sullivan said was like a fortress fitted with security shutters and CCTV security cameras.

Bridget Ryan has previous convictions, one of which was for causing criminal damage to a pub amounting to €5,000.

Roger Ryan, who has 59 previous convictions, also pleaded guilty to assaulting a man in a local pub in Rathkeale in 2014, causing him harm, and to causing criminal damage to the pub and a jeep owned by the publican.

The court was told he has been in custody since June 14 following the violent disorder crime.

Judge Carroll Moran jailed Roger Ryan for three years, backdated to June 14, for the pub assault and criminal damage.

In relation to the incident outside the Ryan home, Judge Moran imposed suspended three-year sentences on Bridget Ryan and Roger Ryan, binding both to the peace for six years.

Charming family. Misunderstood, no doubt.

59 Previous Convictions :mad:

I don’t believe in the three strike system which has failed badly in the US but at some stage you have to just start locking these cunts up forever.

Who stole all the copper from the train line in Dublin last night?

It wasn’t Roger Ryan anyway, he was locked up at the time.

Handy alibi.

A cowardly Shower of fuckers, thrashing a place and running off and hiding in the UK. Had to laugh though when I read The wife has him on a yellow card. I’d say she fucking does alright.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 951457, member: 1786”]A RATHKEALE man who went berserk in a local pub after he was refused a drink was sentenced to three years imprisonment.

Roger Ryan, aged 30, of Fairhill, Rathkeale pleaded guilty to charges of assault and criminal damage relating to an incident at Kathleen’s Bar on September 16, 2010.

During a sentencing hearing, Limerick Circuit Court was told that after he was refused a drink and asked to leave, Ryan became aggressive and threw a bar stool at an elderly man. He then struck the man across the head with a pool cue before leaving the premises.

Once outside he smashed the front windows with rocks and caused almost €3,000 worth of damage to a jeep belonging to the publican –Kathleen Mulcair – which was parked outside.

Garda Tom Flavin said the accused man was only charged in connection with the incident last summer as he “left the scene that evening and fled to the UK”.

Garda Flavin told John O’Sullivan BL, prosecuting, that Ryan told gardai he had taken Xanax and drank a bottle of whiskey earlier in the night and could not remember what happened.

Judge Carroll Moran was told Ryan,who has 59 previous convictions, paid €3,500 in compensation to Mrs Mulcair last December and that he also paid €500 to the elderly man he assaulted.

Brian McInerney BL said his client’s “carry on was completely unacceptable and that he apologises unreservedly.

He said “there was a level of intoxication” on the night and that Ryan, who comes from a “nomadic background” intends starting a new life in the UK with his wife and young family when he is released from prison.

“His wife has tolerated his behaviour so far but he is on a yellow card,” he said.

Imposing sentence, Judge Moran described the offence as a ”ferocious attack”.

He said an aggravating factor was that the man Ryan assaulted was more than double his age. “It is pretty nasty for a young man to be attacking somebody more than twice his own age,” he said.

The judge commented that Ryan has a very bad criminal record and he noted that he had absconded following the incident. He said in the circumstances he had to impose a prison sentence.

He jailed Ryan for three years backdating the sentence to the date Ryan was first remanded in custody - June 8, last.

Since he returned to Limerick, Ryan has been banned from entering every local authority estate in Rathkeale.

In December, Limerick County Council was granted an exclusion order for three years after it initiated proceedings against Ryan and another man.[/QUOTE]
That’s discrimination-the man only wanted a drink for ffs.

Berserk is a great word.

Great origin as well

Can someone tell me what line of work Mr Ryan is in that he could pay €3500 to a landlord for wrecking a jeep and also €500 compensation to an elderly innocent man he assaulted. He had also money to pay for a bottle of whiskey he drank beforehand (about €25). And the high powered car, CCTV cameras, heavy security would cost big money as well.

Can someone confirm what line of work this man or his family are in that they have such handy money? That’s the first thing that needs investigating and after that we can deal with the other aspects of this sordid tale.