More shame for the travelling community

Vinny Browne about to do a piece on these lads.

ann marie would get it…

Couple of fine looking women on view alright.

You’d wonder why they’ve never tried using a generator.

wouldnt suit the whole "poor us " line they are spinning…ann marie can come and stay with me any night shes cold…

Switched over once that pavee point bint starting talking and the other 2 were complaining about letters not being delivered. What did I miss?

I don’t really know how the administration of social housing works, but you would imagine that now above ever the government has enough housing for people who need it.

haha the tweets emails etc have vinny about to blow a gasket…i find it very hard to believe that family are waiting 12 years to be housed …didnt miss much mac…the usual guff about being discriminated against …vinny seems to reckon the council should be in there cleaning up the site after them…its an illegal site…

This is the crowd above in Dunsink? Am fairly sure most of them have turned down multiple offers of housing over the years.

They’ll complain about postmen not delivering letters about hospital appointments as the council won’t give them an address but are quite happy to quote “no fixed address” if ever requested for an address by a garda.

Really? Where’d you hear that?

The Daily Mail editor is asked what he thinks of the hateful language people are using :lol:

That’s irrelevant… it suits his story.

thats what i kept thinking while watching it sure theres been loads of young single mothers families etc housed in the last 12 years…id imagine they must have been offered places…i dont see how anyone getting a free gaff off the state can have to guff to turn it down due to location type of house etc…

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 568133”]

Really? Where’d you hear that?
[/quote]The participants said that. It doesn’t suit them to go into social housing because they can’t be near their extended family.

You wouldn’t think it would be that hard considering all the building that went on here for the past ten years, not if politicians actually wanted it done. The real problem is local opposition to travellers being settled near them I suppose.

I can easily understand why that exists as well but it at least seems like a step in the right direction. The reality is there’s a pretty deeply embedded hatred of travellers in Irish society and that by itself causes an awful lot of problems. Like it’s not hard to imagine how a young traveller would feel completely alienated from mainstream society, considering that nobody wants to live or work near them and they are called a knacker every day of their lives in school as well. Integration is pretty much impossible in those circumstances.

It’s hard to know what anyone can do to fix aside from getting traveller kids into schools early and trying to raise the next generation with different attitudes. Otherwise it’ll just be a vicious circle that never ends.

Good man CM, not the first time you’ve blown your load too early

I’m fairly agnostic on the traveller issue but I doubt if many settled families can insist that their extended families can be housed with them. I thunk it’s fairly disingenuous to suggest that extended families are less important to settled families than they are to traveller families.

Who calls a knacker a knacker?
I went to school with heaps of them, and one thing you certainly wouldn’t do is call them a knacker.
Maybe if they came to school more regularly instead of a couple of days a week and didn’t cause serious disruption to class time when they are then they might integrate a bit better.

True enough. It seems like a fairly spurious demand. I suppose the one thing you could say is that they would probably be fairly isolated on their own in a settled community alright, given the general attitude towards them. On the other hand, it’d be far more acceptable to a community to have one house granted to a traveller family as opposed to 3 or 4.

But if they tried to integrate themselves properly into the new community do you not think they would be accepted? In any of the cases down at home where travellers accepted social housing it was done without much fuss and not a lot of hassle caused. It has to work both ways. If they accept that they should be treated as equals then people will be more likely to treat them as equals. Maybe I’m being a bit simplistic but I have seen it working.