More shame for the travelling community

I went to school with a load of them too. The only way travellers will ever integrate into society is to immediately shoot every one of them over the age of about 6 in the head right now. Some of the lads I schooled with were grand but they didn’t stand a chance being raised and influenced by the complete scum who populate their families and extended families. Half of the lads I knew are dead now. They had sisters on the game. And some other family members of that era are known burglars now. I feel sorry for them as some of them were genuinely nice lads but would have had it very hard at home.

Someone needs to tells these smelly fucks that breaking into peoples houses and mugging old people is not integrating themselves into society.

:lol: Jesus WTB take off your “why can’t everyone just be friends” glasses for a minute will you.
They don’t integrate because they don’t participate. They want to be isolated, they shun daughters who marry settled people etc. arranged marraiges to other cousins, no women allowed to work or get an education. Travellers are the biggest racists going.The biggest barrier to them furthering themselves, is themselves.
We had loads of them in our school. Most are alright to talk to but you can never trust them. They’d rob anything that wasn’t tied down and thats not a generalisation, I’ve seen men, women & children at it.

Remember B Bomber?

He was barred from the corner shop aged 4 for shoplifting!

That’s it in a nutshell. There is no quick fix and there are issues in establishing the root cause of the problem, from both sides. Education is the key alright and mindsets need to change on both sides. I am no apologist for the travelling community and there is no doubting that they make a huge rod for their own back but they are also by far and away the most discriminated against sub section in our society, some of the naked prejudice they encounter on a daily basis is disgraceful.

They put up class headstones in fairness.


Was it in Kilcornan they put the massive glow in the dark rosary beads around the headstone. The locals were incensed. You could see it a mile away. :lol:

I’d have to agree with that. I don’t agree with the softly softly approach with them either. They should be treated the same as everyone else and subject to the same laws.

I don’t agree with the tar them all with the same brush approach pretty much always but travellers push that to the limit. In saying that if you added up every misdeed of all travellers since the foundation of the State you still wouldn’t come close to the damage done to Irish society by the likes of Lenihan, Cowen and their suit and tie cabal of bankers and developers.

They climbed over the graveyard wall in Kilmallock one night and erected a massive four poster yoke.

They cut all the old trees from in front of the graveyard in Rathkeale so their headstones could be seen from the road.


That’s exactly it. It’s amazing the way lads can’t see how the language used to describe travellers is the same as the language used to describe black people in the American South, or Catholics in Northern Ireland for that matter. They’re regarded as sub-human. A lot of it is their own fault but there’s more to the problem than that.

They behave like sub humans.
And that’s not a small minority, it’s a large majority.

Her mother Geraldine would get it, think she is better looking.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 568153”]

They cut all the old trees from in front of the graveyard in Rathkeale so their headstones could be seen from the road.
[/quote] cut them? Na that’t be halfway normal , they tied them to the backs of jeeps and tractors and pulled them out, leaving gaps all alin it, the council later bowed to the pressure and cut down the rest if them and planted a much smaller breed if evergreen instead.

2011 Avensis parked in the drive way of one local “travellers” council house. When a bigger (brand new) council house became available in the same estate he abandoned his existing council house and told the council that it was too close to the road and too dangerous for his children. He was promoptly moved into the bigger house, further back in the estate. Same fella is rotten drunk around the town most days, never worked a day in his life, yet can have a 2011 car.

One of my best friends would’ve had great time for the lads from our local town.

And then they robbed his house.

A fella in my class in national school married one of them, he lives in a caravan now.

This piece of trash should be investigated as to how he could afford a 2011 Avensis. You can be sure a fella from the settled community in that situation would arouse serious suspicions meriting investigation.

I see a sculpture made of copper and bronze, dedicated to the lives of people who died at a young age has gone missing from Castletown in Laois…