More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Itā€™s a country of well over a billion people. Youre going to find a good scatter of deviant cunts in that size of a population. Proportionally probably no different to here. Cork accounts for around 10% of the irish population.

Iā€™ve always found them absolutely lovely, but any country with that degree of poverty, disorganisation and with such an apparently ineffective police service would be similar Iā€™d imagine.

They produced that wanker in your avatar too.

Whatā€™s your problem with the Bhagwan?

He was a dickhead, spent time in Limerick though

Fucking animal. Carlow seems to be an awful fucking shithole.

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How is that Laois lad who was assaulted in Carlow a few weeks back doing now? Is he still in hospital?

Hasnā€™t been anything about it in the media since.

He got out about 10 days ago I think? I posted about it somewhere, Iā€™ll bump it

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Ah fuck it, Iā€™ll just rewrite. Heā€™s a big road ahead but heā€™s out and up and about. Speech is a lil off but improving. Once swelling goes down they expect a full recovery.

Laois play Meath in a benefit match in Graigue tomorrow night actually.


What was the story? Was it because he was a footballer or what?

Yea, my understanding is that the first guy asked him was he the Laois footballer before punching him. The second guy had a few goes on the ground then. The first guy is an MMA kick boxer type, the second guy not long out of Portlaoise Prison, and will be back there again shortly. Both tramps.

I hope he has his throat cut, the cunt.

Fucking sad cunts. If it was anyone else they probably wouldnā€™t even do time, but at least thereā€™s a chance theyā€™ll get a proper sentence with the case having a bit of profile

I genuinely think that cunt should get the bullet.

16 year old girls egged on by a couple of brave young men. What sense could you make of itā€¦ at 6pm with plenty of people around

Whatā€™s the background to that? It was a vigilante attack supposedly?

No, over a boyfriend apparently

Fuck sake. Scumbags.

Good. I would have been disappointed if it was sectarian or anyhting like that. Great to see that teens in the north can fall out and kill each other over normal things.