More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Not at all that’s just a fact.

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I must be fierce unlucky that I’ve only met the bad travellers.

You and me both, you and me both. And we have met different travelers i’d confidently suggest, not the same clients.

You’re pigeon holing an entire ethnic group and then complain when I tell of my personal experiences of bigots.

Have you any real world experiences with this “ethnic minority” besides standing above on your pedestal inside in your house?


Show me where I did that

One of my best friends back in Dublin is from a Traveller background.

Can you explain why you think it’s fair to generalise about a whole ethnic group based on “personal experiences”?

Can you tell me what is the historical story of that in societies the world over a good or bad one?

Can you point to one historical example where a whole group of people, ethnic or otherwise, was stigmatised, vilified and generalised against, and use it as a positive example which could be successfully applied to how Travellers are treated in Ireland? Think carefully on this one.

You’re totally biased then based on one positive relationship you have with one member of their “ethnic group”. Your opinion can’t be taken seriously here as a result.


You haven’t answered any of my questions, pal, and have merely come out with inarticulate nonsense of the exact sort I expected from you. Thanks.

What are you raving about. Travellers chose to live in shit conditions. they chose to live in the blackmarket economy. the state turns a blind eye to their little ways, their black economy, their tax avoidance, their unwillingness to contribute to society or the economy, their new vehicles bought for cash despite them having no jobs and no income.
i am a non traveller, and i am discriminated against by the irish state which decides that as a member of the non travelling community i must pay tax to the state and account for all i own and spend should they decide to request that information. thats an outrage in fairness.


How can you have a traveller background? I thought you said travellers were an ethnic group?
You can come from a rough background, or a religious background, you can’t come from say a Black background surely?
Unless being a traveller is a way of life? Then you can come from a traveller background alright. Like saying I came from a farming background. Is that how you mean it?
Also the way you phrase it is like saying he is no longer a traveller? How did he manage that? You can’t give up your ethnicity surely?


the bigots on here are well and truly beaten when their spokesman comes out with pedantic guff

Another one with imagined victim complex.

Is there any minority you don’t feel oppressed by?

Travellers, Muslims, other immigrants, gays, transgender people, the unemployed, the homeless, the mentally ill, you seem to be oppressed by them all. Perhaps you’ve just been unlucky in life, or perhaps you’re telling the truth and really are the most oppressed person in history.

Is there any minority out there you’re not oppressed by? Dwarfs?

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Sorry mate, I come from a pedantic background


@Sidney does your best friend contribute to society and the irish economy?

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Yes he does, pal.

Sorry if you feel oppressed by him, I’m sure it’s not intentional on his part.

They want to live in free houses nowadays given to them for nothing while the rest of us work to pay for it and sit around scratching themselves but also want their little “traveler ethnic group” status with all the little perks attached to it and the blind eyes turned to their activities. Well i’m sorry but if you ask me when a traveler gets his free house he forfeits all rights to call himself a “traveler” anymore. You’re not a traveler anymore, mate, you can’t have your cake and eat it.

Is lying on the Late Late show counted as contributing to society?

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Can you get your best friend to sign up here we have a few questions for him.

what does your best friend in Dublin do to pass the time @Sidney ?