More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Having a baby or beating cancer will get you circa 50 likes. Youā€™d deserve it in fairness.

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Flattyā€™s post was much better than a new baby one. It was laugh out loud quality.


Ah God no.

I showed it to the wife. Hilarious stuff

Katie Priceā€™s Pony Club.

Coming soon to TLC.

Nathan Fucking Carter

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The most dislikes was when fooley went through his gay porn phase

You beat me to it. Half the cunts on here have had a baby at this stage. And worse they come back posting about their second one looking for more likes because the repeated the trick.

Flatty though, thereā€™s no one replicating that :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Flatty needs a weekly column.

ā€œBad things happen to good peopleā€

In fairness if they went through labour youā€™d say fair enough and the like would be deserved.


At least they have babies.


Yep, the only reason lads post about having their 2nd baby is to get likes :rollseyes:

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I sabotaged my wifeā€™s birth control stash just to get a like on here. Worked a treat.


Thatā€™s worth a like.

I wish I could give this post 2 likes

Iā€™ve given this a like, flatty. I think if you hit 50 you should definitely inform this bint that her and her crabs have hit the big-time on Irelandā€™s Premier Sporting Forum.



What a great idea.

Is the 10th like the all important one? Iā€™m guessing it is based on how you developed the site. Possibly the result of hours of coding and UAT following deep development discussions.

I think itā€™s worth mentioning, just in case @flattythehurdler gets the most likes ever.

You have too much time on your hands.