More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong


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Sticks and stones may break my bones
… But any month we knock ye out of

  1. The senior football semi.
  2. The minor semi ( HUGH margin)
  3. The senior hurling semi.

Call me all the names you like buddy. Knock yourself out !!!

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Friend of mine is a member of the Golf Club above and received this email this evening.


Tomas Mulcahy s hair. Jesus

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HUGH margin you say. Is that the correct term to use when you beat some crowd by five goals?

+1 brutal

Amerikay, fuck yea

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A loving parent jailed for 10 years for rearing a child in SA

Stop playing the daily mail tabloid journalis and tell the whole story

Oh showwy

I just happened to be watching it on the news when you posted

Mens beach volleyball. Just wrong on so many levels


There’s a great film to be made out of that story. If it was fiction you’d say it’s completely unbelievable.

A mate who now lives in the US was home for a few days. We were discussing childcare. He pays 2500dollars a month for the kid to go to daycare.


1 kid?

Yep. Two year old. Not even paying the baby premium.

Women being “cold” in the office. They’d have the heat turned up to the last if they could.

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Sexist pig

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Fair fuckin annoying. They love to do nothing more than moan about being cold.

That’s the hormones trying to keep them in prime breeding condition should an opportunity arise :wink: