More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Very very true.

Looks like the knives are starting to come out

Freeloader cunt.


Lads joining corrupt official Ireland rounding on, ganging up on and bullying this brave Fenian princess. You literally couldnā€™t make it up.



Neoliberalism thrives in modern day Ireland. Where anyone not at the top is spat on.

Who are they, pal?

By God she is the real deal. Appear on TV docs bemoaning the lack of FREE housing all the while turning her nose up at housing not geographically suitable.

Itā€™s great how the average Joe can get this kind of treatment in life.


What a bitch. Erica wanted her 2 minutes of fame. She got it in fairness.
What a terrible parent to put her child through all that for a bit of cheap sympathetic publicity.
A vile human being. She has mugged off the shinner bots though so Iā€™ll give her that.


The state should consider the safety of that child in that narcissistā€™s care.

The ā€œI am Worth itā€ generation


The state has provided two safe and comfortable homes for Ericas child in good areas of Dublin. The child is still living in a hotel room with her narcissistic mother because the mother thinks she is in Big Brother.
Time for social services to intervene.


Thats incorrect

this was from the original programme

some scoop by the neocons


So she turned down 2 apartments to live in a hotel room? Thanks for clarifying

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Thatā€™s some clamping Councillor Gannon has given to Councillor Redmond. Councillor Redmond calls himself a ā€œLibertarianā€ on his Twitter profile and shows the same grasp of reality as all right wing zealots, ie. none

Go Team Erica.


You do realise people have to go out and work to keep the entitlement culture going ???.

Whereā€™s the childā€™s father in all of this? Is he getting an input on his daughter living in a hotel room and being paraded on national media?

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You will be labelled a neo con , neo liberal , quasi fascist , Catholic fundamentalist loon .

Retract !!!

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Probably some layabout scumbag with a council house.

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