More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

It was only a matter of time.

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Should I fasten my seat belt? :wink:

RTE News featuring a young traveler boy in Ballyfermot because his parents couldnā€™t be arsed to get his application in on time for enrolment in a local School. :rollseyes:

Fucker looks like trouble but rte didnā€™t do him any favours by leaving in the bit about his hopes for the future and how schooling will help. :grinning:

Ridiculous News Story.

I had to laugh at your one from the do gooder traveler association giving a big interview going ape about it. Surely to God these people who are supposedly there to assist travelers can help ensure that the parents get these basic things in on time. They can go shrieking to the media claiming discrimination and saying they should be treated exceptionally but helping with something so fucking basic seems to be be beyond them.

In the report they said the forms had to be in by November, I wonder when they got the form in.

We all know what the school are really at

Yep, treating them like everyone else

Mary Lou on the bat phone as we speak

Are you insinuating that the Primary School gave this young chap a glowing recommendation?

Hmmā€¦I believe the school has had travelers before, some of whom who have gone the whole way to the LC

It seems the parents werenā€™t ā€œawareā€ until February that they needed to put an application form in.

Donā€™t piss down my back and tell me itā€™s raining senator

Lorraine McMahon says that particularly for Traveller children coming from Labre Park halting site ā€œit is not a level playing fieldā€. Lorraine McMahon says the removal in recent years of additional State education supports ring fenced for Travellers have had a detrimental impact on Traveller children locally.

An agenda, hardly a surprise

I knew Danny Farrell when his football was a can
With his hand-me-downs and Welliers and his sandwiches of bran
But now that pavement peasant is a full grown bitter man
With all the trials and troubles of his travelling peopleā€™s clan

Heā€™s a loser, a boozer, a me and you user
A raider, a trader, a people police hater
So lonely and only, what youā€™d call a gurrier
Still now, Danny Farrell, heā€™s a man

I knew Danny Farrell when he joined the National School
He was lousy at the Gaelic, theyā€™d call him amadĆ”n - a fool
He was brilliant in the toss school by trading objects in the pawn
By the time he was an adult all his charming ways had gone

I knew Danny Farrell when we queued up for the dole
And he tried to hide the loss of pride that eats away the soul
But mending pots and kettles is a trade lost in the past
ā€œThereā€™s no hand-out here for tinkersā€ was the answer when he asked

Heā€™s a loser, a boozer, a me and you user
A raider, a trader, a people police hater
So lonely and only, what youā€™d call a gurrier
Still now, Danny Farrell, heā€™s a man

I still know Danny Farrell, saw him just there yesterday
Taking methylated spirits with some winoā€™s on the quay
Oh, heā€™s forty going on eighty, with his eyes of hope bereft
And he told me this for certain, thereā€™s not many of us left

Heā€™s a loser, a boozer, a me and you user
A raider, a trader, a people police hater
So lonely and only, what youā€™d call a gurrier
Still now, Danny Farrell, heā€™s a man

The goings on out at Oberstown detention centre are a fucking disgrace. Staff are regularly getting assaulted Iā€™d say its a nightmare of a place to work. Pat Kenny was out there last week getting a tour of their new facilities and management were pretty much saying things are grand bar a few incidents. The head man was on the radio six months ago on a recruitment drive saying what a great job opportunity it would be, fuck all experience required. Youā€™d want your head examined to work out there.

A classic Irish fuck up, St. Patricks was deemed unsuitable to hold young offenders so they jammed all the reprobates into Oberstown. A facility that wasnā€™t intended to be used in that way at all.

Sure you cant win. The care system for children in this country is broken. i work with a number of lads coming out of the care system and you would spot them a mile away. Standard procedure is to throw tantrums and smash things up as when they do that in care the only consequence is a talking to and everything getting replaced. Dont like whats for dinner, smash the tv and x-box, rinse and repeat. An awful lot of care homes are now run privately for profit and its more a case of managing the young people until they hit 18 and collecting the cash rather than working with them intensively to change their behaviour. These kids have generally been dragged up and are getting failed by the state and the people getting paid to care for them. A lot of them end up homeless or in prison. The only way to fix it is to intervene when they are much younger and if the family are not up to the task of raising the child they state should step in. As mentioned on another thread by @artfoley though the emphasise is to keep families together so any gains made are usually lost when the young person returns to the family.


Parents reportedly cannot read or write in that case.
Presume the boy can. He will get sorted but it being a national main news story seems crazy.

2 aunts of this buck who are studying in Maynooth wheeled out to the media to moan about tinkers having to fill out forms when they cant read or write. you couldnā€™t make it up.

2 days before school starts the young buck and his parents decide he wants to go to school so that he can read the road signs and the speed limits while he is off living his lifes dream of traffling round europe.
you literally couldnā€™t make it up.

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