More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

I wonder how he is with numbers? For example, if he was short changed in McDonalds would he cop it?

The young lad will probably get into the school now with this media furore. He will then receive free books and uniform. Attend for a few days and sell all the freebies he got. Happens every September in hundreds of schools across the country.

Which begs the question as to what the likes of Pavee Point do.

The school should make a point of accepting him in now and at the end of every term release his attendance figures to the national media.


Humiliating a child. Hilarious :joy:

Although, being a traveller maybe he doesn’t technically qualify as a child in your book.


i think his parents have humiliated him, don’t you?

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There are numerous supports for the travelling community. The fact that they didn’t avail of them reflects on the parents, not the state

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What supports mate

Numerous supports that have been cut massively since 2008. Especially in education. Travelling with austerity by Brian Harvey outlines how traveller were disproportionately affected by cuts. A quick Google search should steer you right.


Funny how the story only broke yesterday. Sure,you they were aware of it long before yesterday

These are in services in addition to the services available to all citizens of which there is no bar to travellers availing of. Does harvey go into detail about all the funding received by the quangos, the additional monies spent by the CFA when sourcing culturally appropriate placements for traveller children or the copies supports that are put in place to try and keep traveller children with their families and into education instead of care. Does he go through a list of supports that the community have created for themselves.

I would say asylum seekers were infinitely more affected by the cuts as they can’t avail of most of the supports available to citizens

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No details then

Would you not agree the only way to change things is by pouring resources in to education, keeping young travellers in school, getting them educated and giving them the skills to go out and make an honest living for themselves and become contributing members of society. The parents are incapable of doing it half them cant read and write but someone has to. The Visiting Teacher Service for Travellers was disbanded along with specific resource teachers for travellers. They got rid of the traveller training centres as well. Theres plenty of reports and articles out there from INTO etc that criticised the cuts at the time. Theres also a lot of evidence that these supports were having a positive influence but they were still cut and not replaced. Its all fine and grand to sit back and give out about how travellers are no different to anyone else and need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps but unless there is investment early on thats not going to happen.

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Would you continue cooking meals for 25 people every evening if 3 people were continuously turning up?

Resources were poured in but to negligible effect. I absolutely agree that early interventions are necessary but maybe it’s the approach that needs to change. If the health development and welfare of a child is likely to be avoidably impaired in the care of their parents then it’s grounds for a care order. If the parents are unable/unwilling to facilitate what’s best for their children, are best placed to care for the children.

At the end of the day the biggest barrier to improving traveller children is traveller culture. Something drastic has to change and the only way change will come is if it’s led by the traveller community rather than waiting for someone else to fix it for them.


And how can that be achieved if they up sticks and fuck off to another part of the country in keeping with their culture? Do we provide tutors to travel with them? There’s very little media coverage of traveller cultural issues such as mass homophobia, women’s rights and rates of criminality. Highlighting discrimination is ten a penny though.

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Is it fair to say state approaches to travellers are not working and have not worked.

This is not particularly an Irish issue either. Taking just one metric, the lowest level of educational attainment in the UK is achieved by Irish travellers.

There are significant, wide ranging issues at play and the refusal to discuss these in any meaningful way is what leads to the current situation.

Any discussion of traveller issues is rapidly directed into very predictable avenues.

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What are you trying to say here? Spit it out you gom.

The state has always approached the tinker issue wrongly. Whats wrong is that the state has treated them differently to everyone else. They should be treated like the rest of us. Then we would all be equal.

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