More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Iā€™ll need to take a photo for the full effect. Iā€™ll consider it. Itā€™s a bit closer to home, and occurred in unfortunate circumstances but itā€™s quite funny now.

Not manufactured. You couldnā€™t make it up.

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No need for pics!

Budweiser. Pure piss water.

Youā€™d think at your age(I.e. over 16) youā€™d know better

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Got it Saturday. The sister and husband came over for dinner. I was off today and said rather then buy a few cans for the soccer, Iā€™d finish the bud off. Just had a bottle there and fuck itā€™s like drinking yellow pack mi wadi. Never again. Iā€™ve a few bottles there so Iā€™ll finish them. Couldnā€™t be arsed going to pick up a few decent ones.

What part of cavan are you from again mike ?

I was being the good Brother in law. Thatā€™s what he drinks. I bought a box for him. He only drank 3 or 4. Told him to take them with him but he wouldnā€™t. No point to in wasting it.

OK, here we go for the day thatā€™s in it.
A few years ago, as Iā€™ve mentioned on here before, we had a late miscarriage, or at least the baby died late enough that we/herself had to be induced to give birth, we had to have a postmortem, and then a funeral. It wasnā€™t so bad as weā€™d never known the poor little mite other than the childrens graveyard in southern cemetery with its balloons, and toys, and plastic dinosaurs (I can still see a black plastic tyrannosaurus on top of an adjacent grave, and a heart shaped balloon, sagging and falling as the helium seeped away on another), which was the most desolate of places, but as you can probably imagine, herself was deeply upset, but you carry on.
Anyhow, about six weeks after I was back home I gaIway, I think for my dadā€™s birthday, but whatever reason, I went into Murphys in town with him for a couple of hints on the Friday evening. When we finished up, he said that kenny had an exhibition on over the road, and would we go in for a quick look.
The exhibition was by some Polish lass, and her paintings were absolutely beautiful but, as always, Kenny had fairly tasty prices, and I hadnā€™t too much spare cash at the time.
There was,however, one smaller one, of two women deep in conversation, which was a good bit cheaper, so I thought Iā€™d buy it for herself, so sheā€™d not forget the little one (a girl) I bought it, and picked it up all wrapped up a couple of days later, and was looking forward to getting back to herself, and hoping sheā€™d like it.
On arriving home, I told her Iā€™d bought her a present, and gave it to her, and was a little puzzled, and put out tbh, when she opened it, looked at me oddly, and asked why on earth I had bought that for her
ā€œwell Iā€™m so sorry about what happened, and what you went through, so I bought it so youā€™d not forget the little one, and it might remind you in a way of the times ye might have had togetherā€
She started laughing and crying, or the other way round.
ā€œhave you actually looked at it?ā€
ā€œof course I have, I thought it looked like a conversation a mother and daughter might have when sheā€™s olderā€
ā€œwell have another lookā€
And here it was. In all its glory.
She laughs so much now at the story she cries.



What in blue blazes is that? Why did you not return it and get the one you bought? So many questions.

Did Kenny pull a fast one?

Is it a woman riding a dog like theyā€™d be at in Limerick? For the amount of arty crusties ye have in Galway youd imagine someone could fucking paint a bit.

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I think fatty thought that was two women chatting. It is in possibly two people (gender fluid) engaged in some sort of sex act.

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im seeing two deviants, one left handed and one right, pulling the flutes off themselves


I think that says more about you than the picture :grinning:


Looks like a black and white monkey holding a baby monkey.

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eh, the blackness of the eyes symbolises the dullness of the mind?

This is the most elaborate wind-up yet.

Jesus Christ, I cant even imagine.