More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

You’re talking about wiping strange men’s arses, I had to check. Do you think about wiping men’s arses a lot? Would you consider that a daily occurrence?

are you the fella with shit all over his face?

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No that’s the dancing baby


Ah that’s fucking disgraceful

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Boom clamped. When you’re replies resort to that level, you are obviously on the floor hoping the ref counts to ten before you can get back on your feet. Now fuck off and take your beating.

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go easy on him mike, go easy on him

The fact that Leinster are tearing Munster a New arsehole doesn’t help my temper.

+1. There’s druggy fathers and fathers who know how to enjoy themselves when in the correct manner and time. However only one on here looked for drugs off strangers on Christmas Day to the best of my knowledge. All the rest had the good sense to be stocked up.

@feck_it s kids come second to his drug habit Christmas morning but yours get their turkey and ham lowered down the hatch in a bucket.
He wins.


One is conjecture made up by your odd little mind, but we have evidence of the druggy father begging for drugs on Christmas Day pal. But that’s a nice try, I like knowing I’ve irked your pimply little face.

Checked to here


This is fucking wrong.

that never happened

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This sick bastard. He should be just fucked in a hole and left their to die a horrible death. The evil fucker. His wife/partner can be fucked in as well.

This got 175k retweets and has sparked a ‘worldwide craze’.

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Watching a Rachel Stevens music video from 2003 on that Vault Channel.

She was an amazing artist.

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The cafe gave me someone else’s toasted wrap at lunch, I only discovered when I got back to the office to eat it. Turkey stuffing and cheese, what kind of thick ignorant toaster would order that. I’m seething.

sounds lovely


Better than the vegan shit you’d be ordering.