More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Who is Ger Gilroy?

Lying, deception, bullying and cheating is a big deal.

no its not, lying about a silly bike race isnt a big deal compared to half a billion for charity

Bob Gelof raised billions for charity. He’s still a cunt.



Thats a clamping

he didnt
he is a cunt because he is a west brit, thats a horrible thing, cheating in a bike race isnt a big deal


a bad DJ that shapes your world view

A disk jockey :laughing:

So you’re admitting he lied about raising half a billion for charity? Glad you’re seeing the light.

You’ve lost me here mate. What relevance had this Gilroy chap to Armstrong stealing half a billion through the guise of a charity?

Parties at activity centres

Dry your eyes and welcome to the real world.

You haven’t even read is fucking book.


Just to be clear. raised money in order to raise “cancer awareness” , whatever that is.


Giving out about children’s parties now? Jesus that’s miserable.

To pay for himself to speak at his own events

it was tough mate, i was the only father that stayed but I mingled well and survived

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The new version of the plastic meal containers. The ones with the see through plastic top cover, you know the ones with the room for spuds veg and meat. They’re ferret sized with only enough grub for a small child. Whitty’s in Cahirdavin are dishing out their hot cooked meals in these disgraceful sized containers now. A fucking disaster. I’m finished with the cunts after this. Twice I have politely asked the new little cunt of a youngfella to give me a large portion and twice the cunt has scimped on the grub amount. This place Whitty’s used to be the best hot meal outlet in the city until recently 4.95 for a decent meal that would fill you, plenty of everything and extra if you asked for it. The food was served in a fawny coloured polyethylene foam/airofoam container/dish, not any more it’s not, these scimping kniving sneaky bastard cunts have decided to do their loyal customers over, it’s not enough grub for a little girl now. Bye bye Whitty’s ye dirty greedy grabbing useless thieving money worshipping customer disregarding miserable stingy cunts! I’ll never darken it’s door again.

Fat cunt.

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