More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Itā€™s foggy and thereā€™s ice on the roads and some fucking eejit decide to reverse down the main dublin Sligo road there a while ago.

Ugh female body builder getting her back and chest waxed. Fucking rotten.

Please donā€™t take me home
I really donā€™t want to go to work
I want to stay here, drinking all the beer
Please donā€™t take me home

Sickening attack on a first year university student as she was walking to her digs in Maynooth last night. The poor girl was left with a broken jaw, nose, eye sockets and had teeth knocked out too. There are some scumbags out there.



Is a suspended sentence ok in this case? No intent and it was an unbelievably freak result that they drowned.

The details are horrific really. The husband/father participating in the rescue without knowing it was his own family :cry:

Feel for the guy but that just is not going to fly under our Constitution.

A freak tragedy certainly. The question to be asked is what useful purpose is served by sending her to prison?

One would feel, however, that if the convicted person was male and not a law student, a custodial sentence would have been imposed.

You could argue that it was the appropriate sentence but for the wrong reasons.

Yeah nothing to be gained from sending her to prison really. I assumed when I heard it that victims family had said in victim impact that they didnā€™t want her jailed, they were neighbours after all. But doesnā€™t appear to have been the case at all.

We donā€™t know all facts either as she pleaded guilty but wonder was she on the phone or something ?

No aggravating factors according to judge - she wasnā€™t on phone, over the limit or speeding. But she was driving unaccompanied on a provisional licence, came down a side road towards the main road and went through a yield sign in 3rd gear and hit the other car. She was basically at fault for not yielding.

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She should be in jail. Killed two people when she should never have been on the road. If she really is a law student, she should be expelled for knowingly breaking the law resulting in two deaths.

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I disagree. That was a mental set of circumstances that resulted in the two deaths, car going through a gap in the wall and into a drain that would for most of the year be empty. Christ, the guilt alone is enough of a sentence. Every second person on a provisional is unaccompanied. If her auld lad was in the car with her would the outcome be any different?

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Irrelevant. She was breaking the law. She knew she was breaking the law. She killed two innocent people doing so. She should be jailed and expelled from law school.
Her father wasnā€™t with her. I donā€™t understand why you would even say that as somehow relevant to this.

Informative ratingā€¦

V tough one to know. Im v conflicted. Unlikely to reoffend no priors, early plea. Desperate situation. But she was in the wrong no doubt about it.

There are literally thousands of people driving unaccompanied every day though. The public transport system is so shit you have no choice if you live in the country and need to go to work or something. Not saying itā€™s right but thatā€™s why is so rarely pulled by the cops

Itā€™s a national disgrace that kids leaving school are not able to drive or have not been at least shown the basics of driving.

The Law on L ( N ) Drivers needing fully licensed drivers with them on the road is neither applied, or adhered to in this Country.


You say law school like its a big deal like in America. Itā€™s just a degree like any other degree.