More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Are you drunk ?? Too much west coast cooler ?

Thatā€™s a pretty glib attitude considering that there are child rapists everywhere, watching their children from a safe distance and posting about them on the internet.

Oookaaay. Valid point. Howā€™s things with you. Any holidays planned this year.

What a cunt


Sounds like the debating society I ran at the same institution. Guinness sponsored us.

An absolutely fucking gangster

The way some people omit the full stop at the end of text messages and emails before saying thanks or regards.

Iā€™ll give an example.
This is a PM I sent to @iron_mike last evening.

Lay off of @Bandage, he has lost the plot, heā€™ll harm himself or someone over this.
Thanks. Brimmer.

Other less educated Muldoons very often sign off in the following manner.

The fat baldy wexican will never recover. Glad you left him alone.
Thanks Brimmer.

That simple omission of the full stop really annoys me.


A novel enough attempt at humour but quite poorly executed. Thereā€™s a joke trying to come to the surface though - play around with it and see if you can come up with something funny.


Thereā€™s definitely one there in my second example about the less educated Muldoon, you could possibly have quoted that bit on its own and take it from there, but youā€™re on the wane as a poster so you possibly missed the opportunity.

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On the wane? Iā€™m accumulating ā€œon a rollā€ badges at an unprecedented rate lately. Iā€™m a poster at the peak of my powers.

Likes that are attributed to licking the mods holes are generally inadmissible in internet arguments. Thought youā€™d know that buddy.


Says who? :fearful:



Itā€™s not that really. He has @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy logging on under different usernames at a savage pace throwing likes around. Sure tis no wonder the poor chap canā€™t manage more then one sentences per post.

Jesus if thatā€™s your peak. Iā€™d hate to see your trough




But if they did object, that would be being a snowflake too, surely?

This is all terribly confusing.

Isnā€™t it generally people from wealthier socio-economic backgrounds who most ridicule others for using other modes of transport than cars?

People from wealthier socio-economic backgrounds tend to be more right-wing and use cars more. Therefore it follows that they drive their children to and from school more than people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds.

But isnā€™t it right-wing people who most criticise others for being snowflakes?

So those who most criticise others for being snowflakes are themselves most responsible for being snowflakes and raising them?

The confusion grows!

Iā€™d a cracker the other day about you and your daughterā€™s phone request. It hit ā€œnice postā€ territory almost as quickly as youā€™d rolled eyes in response. Iā€™m on fire lately.

**[quote=ā€œBandage, post:3888, topic:20929, full:trueā€]

Iā€™d a cracker the other day about you and your daughterā€™s phone request. It hit ā€œnice postā€ territory almost as quickly as youā€™d rolled eyes in response. Iā€™m on fire lately.

I saw that.
There must have been steam blowing from @Little_Lord_Fauntleroyā€™s keyboard switching usernames.
Hope you adequately rewared him

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