More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Irrelevant to the point mate,
How could a young professional couple leave the place in such a state that they need a cleaner, it baffles me and smacks of laziness.

Not everyone has as much free time as you.


Similar enough set up with me. Our lass doesnā€™t come over every week but itā€™s mainly an ironing focused role. A never ending stream of shirts, jeans, cardigans, blouses and dresses to be ironed along with whatever my life partner adds to the pile.

Changing the bed clothes is a key task too because who wants to be reduced to doing that? A little bit of cosmetic cleaning then in whatever remaining time is left - give the kitchen floor, table and counters a good scrub along with as many of the bathrooms as she can get through.

It allows her to earn a generous amount of cash while enjoying the view from the penthouse and it gives me more INTERNET time in the evenings.


Does she iron your internet cloak as well?

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I donā€™t get you mate?

Buying time is the most important thing you can do to improve hapiness. @Bandage and @Juhniallio ahead of the game as usual.

The spot where the prepay diesel pump is in Rathduff is a bad one of note.

Thats not so bad in day time because its only 60kms limit there and the cops haunt the road around there

Youā€™re a gas man :smile:

Iā€™ve convinced Princess itā€™s time to get a cleaner in.

Sublime reading here today. My good e-friend @Bandage is back to his very best here.

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Creating employment is a bad thing now?

he can still do it when it matters

I understand that people have busy lives mate, what I canā€™t really understand is how two able bodied adults living together could require the services of a cleaner, itā€™s pure laziness.
Sure you could employ somebody to do pretty much everything for you

Its opportunity cost. People have busy lifes. If one decides to get in a cleaner so that they can spend more time pursuing hobbies, spending time with family etc, then thats their choice.
It does not make them lazy. People are free to choose how they spend their money.

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Absolutely mate, but this is the internet so Iā€™m quite vehement about my assertion that itā€™s solid laziness and nothing else,
What really bothers me though is where the mess comes from, two adults?

Itā€™s not necessarily mess I assume, but build up of day to day grime that you get in kitchens and bathrooms. Hardly that difficult to comprehend.

Thereā€™s a fucking wasp on the bus.


Itā€™s difficult for me to comprehend mate, hence my enquiry, are you suggesting they donā€™t even clean the toilet seat or wipe down the worktop?


Are there any other adults around you? If so, one of them might protect you if you ask nicely. But generally, if you ignore the wasp, it should ignore you.

The cleaner had a Noirin Oā€™Sullivan moment and said ā€œfuck this Iā€™m not going inā€.