More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Iā€™m actually in Dublin tomorrow on union business. Have to take Thursday off because the meeting might drag on.
A wasp sting would be an idea for Friday though to make it a long weekend.

Humans are the most disgusting of all creatures on this planet.


What about those fish that swim up your mickey?


Theyā€™re just going about their business , bro.

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Did it take you long to train them to do that?


Thatā€™s some pile of shiteā€¦and other stuff.

I think I might employ a gardener to go with the cleaner.

Any lads gone down this route and any recommendations.

I hate cutting the lawn and general garden tidying.*

*lady garden tidying I would be a stickler for

Buy a few sheep mate

Resigned yesterday.
The company I originally wanted to work for have been talking to me for a couple of months and came back with a much improved offer. So Iā€™m going there to sell tech to corporates. Reduces commute to work to about an hour, brilliant place to work, back in civilisation, away from Western Sydney. Moneyā€™s great, opportunity is better. Finish here next week and then a week off. Flying it.


Fucking delighted for you @fitzy. And even happier for tfk who called it right from the start. If ever there was evidence needed that tfk should be involved in all of our big life choices, this is it. A superb result all round.


Indeed, though I will qualify it by saying that this original offer came with a month long wait to start, which greatly influenced my choice at the time. But itā€™s all worked out in the end. CEO wasnā€™t too happy, but the reaction from colleagues here was interesting, everyone saying Iā€™m doing the right thing and amazed I lasted so long, that I hadnā€™t a hope from the start etc.

Great news, donā€™t ever look back.

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Good that you didnā€™t hang around and walked away early.

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Good man.

You should have asked us for advice on this day 1ā€¦

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Fuck him. Did you tell him the truth about your reasons for leaving i.e. they made a balls of your scrapbook and you didnt like it one bit


That Guy: Gutsy question. Youā€™re a shark. Sharks are winners, and they donā€™t look back because they have no necks. Necks are for sheep.


Weā€™re in a 3/4 acre site out in the sticks. Had to decide whether to buy a ride-on mower or get someone in. Got a number of a chap who does it for ā‚¬30. Does strimming and sprays weed-killer for an extra ā‚¬20-ā‚¬30 every so often. Long term will probably get a ride-on but there are other holes for my money at the moment. That and Iā€™m a useless townie cunt.


Yep. Great idea.

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Aboy the kid :clap:

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