More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Headshotā€¦TSG in a hoop here. @Juhniallio has the ā€¦in as bind here.

You sullied your name with your vile sexual assault story about the dead rugby player

Nobody has mate. We have Gates on our estate to stop that

Somewhere out there some headbanger is nailing this on the Irish state. Another headbanger is typing the word racist. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Nowhere out there is there a journalist trying to make contact with Martin Collins the pavee lad or the big fat mouthy prick from love/hate for their opinion on tinkers feeding their childeren Porter.


I have no wish to discredit you, far from it, you, in your various guises have enhanced this board, but lately I find your petulant ripostes the efforts of a drowning manā€¦

I have your measureā€¦Do you have mine?

Fintan is black

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Dirty fucking animals who spit chewing gum into unrinals while taking a piss.

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Canā€™t be much fun for you cleaning it out mate


Aboy @smark :clap:


The sports news tonight has that an Irish international at man city is injured

Turns out they were talking about a womenā€™s footballer

Gardening tools coloured green.


And thats as good as it gets lads.

Friend of a friend was found dead this morning. Was due to graduate in 2 days. Top of the class student and was on good money straight out of college. Very sad

Umbrellas and especially lads going round with umbrellas.

Especially small lads going around with umbrellas

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I never use an umbrella :closed_umbrella:. Cap and coat for me


In fairness an umbrella would be a disaster for you. It would keep getting stuck in the bushes.


Expectant Motherā€™s out the front of maternity hospitals in their nightware and dressing gown, on a drip, smoking.