More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

there is always a trade-off when you do any sort of work. Yes I agree itā€™s a lifestyle choice. But if I was free to make a choice on my time Iā€™d spend it with my daughter and family. But unfortunately, we donā€™t live in a utopia so I have to sell my time to make money, because they need feeding and educating and a nice place to live.

itā€™s a good outlook to have, not to see yourself as a slave to time or having to go to work. But the reality is you do have to work and spend time at it.

Whatever you need to do to motivate yourself or reason around it, bang away.

Iā€™ve never been happier than I am now that Iā€™m out on my own.

edit Iā€™m into consultancy btw so I donā€™t trade so Iā€™m literally selling my time


I donā€™t know how ye do it in fairness

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thatā€™s very open ended

Who do what?

Telling lies on the internet I think he means.


It was me alright, but Iā€™m the good side of 40

If you enjoy what you do, youā€™ll never work a day in your life

All those slaves inching along the M50 in their metal coffins

Ive an ā€œeach to their ownā€ attitude to this. Iā€™ve seen different combinations in my mundane accountancy / banking working life to date.

Great ability along with significant ambition/drive. Average/shit ability but outstanding drive. Good ability but lack of ambition/drive and other combinations in between.

Other things come into play too in relation to career progression such as timing, ability to pretend to care, influence you have in organisation, soundness of people above you, confidence, strength of character, luck etc etc.

I guess itā€™s natural enough to wonder if you could be doing better and that sometimes comes into focus when you see/hear about someone you would have had in the relatively thick category getting a big role or something.

That said, who knows? They may have been putting in an incredible slog and working all hours for a concerted period of time. I personally value my time on the INTERNET too much to be closing deals after midnight.


A younger Fran
Some notable names.


I had garden leave a few years ago. Kids were young so could not go away for too long. I had 3 months at home more or less. Was funny how your day collapses in on itself to 10am to 3pm and by 3pm you would not want to leave the house as get caught in traffic or it was too late to start something or other.

Nowadays if I got home at 3 I would see most of day left

Other thing I noticed was that being in work all day I do miss most of my kids growing up, miss lots and lots of small stuff. Intellectually I knew it but just did not grasp how much.

Itā€™s a choice I make but now when the young lad asks for a bedtime story and I am wrecked I would always do it and when I am there I try my best to be interested in what they are telling me about.

But working long hours does come at a cost. Itā€™s a choice we all make or donā€™t.


You fucking weirdo


Working for yourself is in the main relatively easy . Getting paid for work done is the tricky bit .

Explaining = losing

You mad because I didnā€™t put up your name?

Checking out children in football kits = kiddie fiddler


Sorry for not taking your earnest justification of your career choices seriously mate, ii has upset you

Iā€™m on that list.

A few times Iā€™d say

Sorry MBB, that was below the belt.


No worries mate.

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