More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Jaysus, tne detective work and wanking over social media pictures is quite shocking,
The children of very petty criminals need what, to sleep on the streets or to be removed from the mother?

First bit of sense from you on this thread.

I’ve had a post removed due to it being flagged. Which one of ye little snitches was it ?

What did it say?

I just said she was a traveler but wouldn’t travel to Meath.
I genuinely thought traveler was not a derogatory term for … whatever they are, members of an ethnic minority ?

You’re really hurting over this one mate?? :pensive:

It depends who flagged it.

Dirty leftie Snowflake cunt.

Removed from their mother. You are obviously not paying attention to posts on here are you.
Thia woman is destroying any chance those poor childeren have of living a happy and fulfilled life. She is raising them to steal, leech and lie. Take them off of her and give them a chance in life.

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Those boys have a far better chance than if they were with a nasty twistedfucker like you, mate.


The snowflakes won’t like the plain truth of the matter.

Same cunts would happily spend a €100 on tackies as opposed to making a contribution to the Peter McVeery Trust.

They’d bore the hole off us all here though complaining about Society & how this thieve doesn’t get a free gaff with 7 bedrooms in Tallaght.

You couldn’t make it up.


You read selective pieces of posts and go off on a rant you thick cunt. Very few people have commented on the mother except the hate mongers and misogynists.

Most of the normal people have commented that it is wrong for 7 kids to have to sleep homeless and the priority should be getting them into a home.

You can’t see passed the end of your nose for hatred.

Another absolutely horrible sneery Tipp cunt showing his colours.

Doe this Cash wan remind you of a family member? You’re getting terribly wound up over this affair.

First it was Drugs importations, then it was Travs not getting free houses ( 7 Bed Houses )

What next?

They haven’t a hope, their role models in life are 2 absolute wasters.

Fuck me, this thread is some cess pit


So your pro drug trafficking and homeless kids?

I’d say she reminds you of your mother, I’d say you were never shown a days love in your life.

That wasn’t worth waiting for anyway,

Your young lads have learned how to pay for sex from you, I’m sure it will be of great help to them, I really pity them. Ms Cash’s kids have a parent that loves them, I see no reason they can’t achieve unless they can’t get to school or are forced to keep moving.

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So the mother and father aren’t a factor in these 7 kids being homeless?

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You taught your lovely kids how to source and consume illegal narcotics, none of us are perfect.

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