More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

It is.a nice but of cut to it at the moment though

Doesn’t matter currently. Get the kids homes, then assess if they are fit to parent. Its really quite simple. Homeless kids = bad. Kids in a home = good. It really is that simple lads.

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Honestly, if they had had the advantages you’ve had in your life I don’t think they’d have become homeless, it’s easy to cast judgement but I’d say ye haven’t a clue

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Did I do that?? :grinning:

I think he needs to put up the post here, otherwise climb down with tae in his mug

You can assess if they are fit parents without giving them a free home you absolute fu cking halfwit.
Thius woman is destroying those childeren, tbere is no more to it

At least do me the courtesy of reading full posts, I know it’s difficult but if you can take down the red mist and understand the context it would be appreciated.

Yes you did, and theres more.

It’s the most important factor. Children are the responsibility of the parents.

Decide it after the kids are homed. Fucking hell. Its a simple premise.

Jaysus, you’d think I’d remember teaching my kids how to source and consume illegal narcotic but that’s the way it’s gone these days

Nobody is perfect. Not even you.

Clearly not perfect when I’ve completely forgotten teaching my kids how to source and consume illegal drugs?

Are you high at the moment by any chance?

Have never taken illegal narcotics.

Take a House ahead of a family already on a List, then check out the credentials? Are you that fucking simple?

Put the Kids into Social Sevices & find Foster parents asap.

Without assessment? None of those kids looked malnourished or dirty.

What’s the real issue here? Do you hate all women or just travellers?


Did you teach the kids how to drive home after 17 drinks yet?

Thanks for eloquently getting your point across. I really understood that. Like a painting with words

Anyone who thinks that this woman is a victim is a simpleton. She’s from a culture that exists off the welfare state with no intention of ever working to pay her way. The seven kids are part of that.