More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

I can read most people very well, I have you off to a t and you know it.

My bad, they all kind of roll into a large void of blandness


You know when @backinatracksuit is doubling and tripling down on the emojis that he’s rattled as fuck.

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He let’s the father of the year mask slip every now and again,then boom


Possibly, poor old Fooley has developed a horn for me in recent days

I bought him a smart watch, and I highly recommend it.

He told me the other day he was going around to the YMCA for a kick about and lo and behold we were able to pinpoint him there 20 mins later .

An awful lot of those type of lads blend in to each other.

Take it up with @Rocko you whingeing cunt.


Was he the cop or the Indian?

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I am now gracious to whichever of you halfwits reported because it got me a nice post.

Are they reporting the word tinker? They have lost the plot.

The one in the leather vest of course

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Sorry but fooley is reserved for admired posters. Not no marks

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Must have made your day.

Fuck off fooley.

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Jesus, you’re a gas cunt, you don’t seem to worry too much about developing a horn for a ‘no mark’ though, you’re following me around like a particularly stupid puppy


You asked some honest questions there. The resident traveller rights and responsibilities champions, such as @Matty_Hislop will avoid answering.

Some serious rage in that post. I bet your missus doesn’t talk back to you


Rage?? You’re a gas cunt, a very stupid one obviously but gas all the same,