More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

at least we can say thirty three proper without it sounding like turthy tree, like a fucking bog warrior

Oh dear…


I’ve been wrecked the past few months, few weeks especially, sleeping very little, waking up regularly. Sometimes so tired i shake, or get that sensation from pure tiredness that you’re falling. Have got a fair few headaches too, a lot of pain behind my right eye at times. Last night i woke up at 1.50am, here we go again i thought, awake for hours. I turned over in bed and suddenly began shaking, only lasted a few seconds but i was terrified. Never felt anything like it. I felt a bit light headed but ok afterwards, but i was in a hoop. My first epileptic fit! I cursed it and eventually fell back asleep for a few hours, woke up for work at 6. Spent a few minutes reading about fits due to exhaustion or stress, thought thats it, home to ireland fuck, but im not telling my parents having them worrying. I also said after work I’m going straight to the a and e just to get it checked out, ill be quein hours but whatever. Arrived in work glum as fuck. What does this mean, am i going to be having fits every few days, every few hours? Can i drive, am i gonna be on medicine for the rest of my life or need watching, i knew nothing about it. Went into Facebook to take my mind off it, first post from the local news tv station, did anyone feel that minor tremor at 2am this morning, 3.6 on the scale…



You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling. to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some

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Sounds like a chapter out of Macs chronicles

Brain cancer. But you’re ok, I think the brain can heal itself.

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The problem was my ass was bouncing off the walls

You need to get yourself a weed problem, a quake of 12.0 wouldn’t wake you.

Sort out the stress mate. I went through a phase of those headaches and pains nearly 2 years with handling normal day job, getting a new business off the ground and having a couple of other stressful things going on with family. The longer you leave it the more damage it’ll do to you. Take some proper time off over Xmas to switch off, and increase the amount of venting you do on here. You’ll be a changed man come January.

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Consider it done, and i mean done

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Im gonna get back into mindfulness, and up the online ventation. Not going taking xanax theyre useless on me anyways. Thanks dr mac

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And if that doesn’t work buy a fixie, cycle to a brothel and ride a big black wan before snorting a few lines off her tits. That seems to be the more popular way to sort your life out.


I really hope you are not trying to undermine my heartfelt advice.

Very much a TV3 thing, that.

Packie Boner and Trevor “that’s interesting” Welch were divils for it.

And “Ay-jax”.

Thank Christ the channel didn’t exist for the 1996 European Cup final.

More surprising is that Clive Tyldesley was a regular offender for saying “Jew-ventus” in his BBC days.

“Old Traffort” is another classic of the genre.

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Jesus, did not read what he said?
That should be “Thanks Dr Mac, you utter cunt of a man”

Here lads, talking of Xanax and stuff like that.
Q 1. Would that stuff be good to banish the ‘fear’ after a few heavy drinking sessions over the festive period.
Q 2. Assuming it’s good .Where would I get some? Under the counter like …
Q 3. If I’m advised here to procure some, and I went to the doctor to get some, what yarn should I spin him to get it.

Weed is cheaper, pal.