Motorways driving

Nothing remotely illegal or immoral about using the outside lane on the Dock Road, a strange sight every day :man_shrugging:

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I’ll never understand why people willingly join the queue back as far as Lidl, when the outside lane is completely empty. You could do a study on the psychology of it.

You can always merge quite easily at the end also, i.e. it’s rare that anybody feels spiteful about you passing them so they must be aware the lane is fine to use.

I think Limerick is one of the most relaxed places to drive in for whatever reason. You would rarely hear a horn being beeped.

No one cares when somebody parks in an actual traffic lane in William Street to run into Dealz or Enzo’s. That has extended to O’Connell Street a bit now also and still nobody seems bothered.

Maybe it’s just the fear / likelihood that you could fuck a person out of it before realising you know them.

Or end up getting a belt of a slasher


Another reasonable concern.

A lot would prevent you from merging on the Dock road alright but you’d never wait more than two cars really, more psychology in that I’d say, you’d have the state straight ahead merchants gripping the wheel with two hands and I respect that

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The educate together secondary opened last week opposite Northern trust. This could be a long term problem.

Best parking in Limerick is a busy day in galbally outside Cummins’ shop. Triple parking is the norm.

Over here they operate a “zip” principle. Every car is expected to let one car in, in front of them when traffic is merging due to roadworks or whatever. It doesn’t apply to cars joining at junctions from minor roads however.

The best trick for the dock road is have a Tipp South Reg car. Works a treat every time. People assume youre clueless


It is what was intended for the Dock road, but instead cars line up for about 500 metres leaving one lane totally empty

Ya I’d have more respect for them lads.
The people I’ve the least respect for are the ones who start in the outside lane but then chicken out and start trying to merge at the post boxes.

It drives me mental. The worst is the cunts who chicken out half way up and delay the confident guys behind them who are going straight to the merge and making no apology for sticking the nose of the car in


I only saw your post there. They are the worst

Some serious pilots on here…

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That roundabout’s days are surely numbered. There’s a hospital going in beside the school and long term there are plans to put in two more buildings like the existing one into that Northern Trust business park. The roundabout can barely cope as it is.

Going to be a big problem in a few years but sure lookit, we might get a solution in 10 years time.

Surely you could feed that traffic in from an exit onto the Bloodmill Rd?

To be serious, it appears that the whole infrastructure will struggle with the volume reagrdless of what is done at that point. I think it has to leaked out elsewhere, such as a link below vistakon to the annacotty motorway. And more accomodation onsite at UL to reduce the numbers driving in. The north bypass would help also but seems to be dead in the water.

And a properly planned / well-funded school bus routing system would help a lot. One bus route could surely take 25 cars off the road.

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Worse today with rain and ploughing in the mix.

They put the cart before the horse with the developments around Ballysimon. The relief road from the Golf Links to Northern Trust, taking out Shea’s Cross, should have been in place first.

They’re due to start work on widening the bridge next year, which will make a complete clusterfuck of it. People are using Bohercoyle as a rat run and you wouldn’t drive a small Fiat up it. Two completely blind bends where cars cannot pass each other.

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