Motorways driving

You can spot a non-driver miles away when they make comments like that


I note your assertion that drivers are geographically ignorant compared to non-drivers.

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Word is a man on a motorbike died. Bike and man hopped off more vehicles so whole lanes shut down for forensics. Apparently people stuck on motorway since this morning

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Terrible about the people who have died in this incident

But why cant they get the investigation concluded this morning, clear the accident and reopen the road. Are we the only country that shuts roads for such a long time to investigate? See it abroad they take a few photos and get the road open asap

Perhaps there are bits of him still attached under the couple of trucks involved

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Very sensitive of you pal.

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Cagers eh

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I passed this incident heading South as they were removing the motorbike around 4.30 pm. Immediately feared the worst.

Met a man earlier who came across this. He was visibly shaken with what he had seen. Body parts strewn everywhere. Motorbikes are lethal.

He has a point. There could be people stuck on that M50 that should be able to get off the road. Diabetics for example, people going to hospital appointments. Ambulances unable to get to other emergencies quick enough because of the knock on effect elsewhere.

I’d love to see you going into that scene like the first responders had to do today.

But the useless feckers aren’t doing it quickly enough. I missed my trip to IKEA.


Trucks maybe mate?

The virtue signallers are circling the priuses.

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Well if you make a mistake on a bike you are brown bread.

I’m sure that they do it as quickly as they can. They are not sitting by the side of the road having a cup of tea,

We all know that there is huge reliance on the M50 in terms of Dublin and surrounding area traffic. The issue is just that - not that first responders and accident investigators are taking too long in what is a hugely traumatic scene.

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More likely yes. Also more likely if someone else does.

Bad drivers in all types of vehicles but the consequences are worst for those on motorbikes. I mentioned before about coming on a crash last August where a man on a bike lost his leg. The car was at fault. If it was two cars in the collison then it was just a new bumper/lights for both.


Earlier on in the day I was driving up the Navan Road. There was a chap cycling the other way texting away while he was cycling with a baby in the child seat on the back. People are idiots.