Motorways driving

You’d see a lot of lads cycling wearing noise canceling headphones these days which seems foolhardy.

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Absolutely braindead

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Can never understand people who cycle around with earphones. It’s like cycling without your glasses.


And with hybrid or electric cars you hear even less

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Ah you’d still hear stuff.

Yes if I left my glasses at home I’d still see blobs.


Do you have a no radio policy in your cage mate?

Ffs, cyclists aren’t supposed to take any precautions to keep themselves safe. It’s up to others to do that.


You’d still hear stuff with noise cancelling headphones :joy:

What a fucking rube


Jesus should have wemt to the unpopular opinion thread

Better to not post at all.

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I’d rarely cycle without headphones anyway.

What drives me spare is people constantly in the overtaking lanes, just pottering along. Its gotten to the stage where what was the slowest lane has become an overtaking lane as so many numpies are sitting in the middle overtaking lane and has people now undertaking.

There probably should be a campaign to remind people stay left unless overtaking. Seems a completely forgotten rule of the road.

It doesn’t bother me much on the three-lane roads like the M50 or the N7 as these are mostly 100 kph speed limits anyway, plus there tends to be a high volume of traffic coming on/off the left lane. The odd time when things are very quiet I’ve tried to stick to the left-most lane on the M7/N7 after it becomes a three lane and tbh it becomes a pain in the arse skipping in and out of lanes. On a two-lane motorway alright it drives me spare.

Caught after that fatality yesterday in Dublin,5/6 hours of diversions,
Idiots rubber necking,
Motorway fucked all directions,
We’re not prepared for anything serious in this country,not a fuckin lawman in sight,
That poor guys body/head etc being filmed

The big one is coming

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Pay thru the nose though

The big what?

The cynical might say this a great time to announce these projects, which might get shelved again in a programme for Government post election.


A motorway with cycle lanes. Something for everyone in the audience