Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

24 summits. And done it twice in a week.

It’s all Tenzing’s fault for hauling Edmund’s ass up.

Tenzing Norqay carried Hillary up on is back


“there are”

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Reinhold Messner was really the first man to climb it.

One tough boyo…

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The poor Lawless chap Unclipped his safety harness to take a leak and was swept away by a freak gust in that instant.

It’s insane what Messner has done. I’ve read a lot of stuff on him over the years. It’s just bonkers.

Donald Trump has just weighed into the Everest debate by blaming Hillary for everything

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Yes killing your own brother is indeed nuts

I believe he supports Liverpool as well.

Dying for a piss.

“I was nearly out of my mind, and it was at this point that I fell down and felt my spirit leave my body. In a perfectly detached fashion I watched myself roll down the mountain. Then, summoning up one last surge of effort, I forced myself back into my body; I had to get my brother down to safety.”

He could post on here with descriptions like that.



We’re all Liverpool fans this week mate

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Internationally renowned Mountaineer, John Burke weighs in


Is that the idiot who can’t go for a shite without putting it on Facebook?

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He paid what €60k to climb the mountain, and he calls it `dare to dream ’ sure if I inherited a Fucking hotel like he did I’d be doing all these things too. It’s gas the way he mentioned the sherpa giving him advice one step at a time. The sherpa setting up his tent and cooking the cunt dinner, fetching barrels of oxygen up and down the mountain while hes one step at a time approach and removing a watch is the reason he thinks he achieved somthing special.


They died doing what they loved

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Its been a very bad year for mountaineering