Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

I’m beginning to think climbing Everest is pretty dangerous

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And many more will continue

In the North, they say that everybody knew somebody who was killed in the Troubles

Soon, everybody will know somebody who died on Everest

The Isle of Man TT is on this week, that should take some heat off poor Everest.


I think the fatality rate is fairly low in the TT

Unless you’re a member of the Dunlop family

None died at the TT

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2.5 deaths per year iirc

Total madness this Everest crack at this stage

An America is the 11th person to die on Everest in the last 10 days.

Time to protect these people from themselves.


It’s the pinnacle of ultimate endurance but a lot these people are deluded thinking they’re well enough to do it. You need to be in the top .01% of supreme elite fitness levels to take it on.

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There’s a lot to be said for train travel

Over 5000 people have climbed Everest. Less than 1500 have run a sub 4 minute mile.


It’s beyond a joke. The Irish lad that died they said he climbed Mt blanc and another 18000ft mountain, not been funny I’d get up with Mt blanc with a warm jacket and a pair of jeans. Can do it for 2k i looked into it 3 years ago but decided to do the euros instead. No experience needed. Everest is a different animal, the sherpas do all the work setting ladders and ropes for all these ‘climbers’, when the wind picks up they are fucked they panic and get tired fall and die. Basically the sherpas should be naming their price but they can’t take the chance they need to feed their family, most of them don’t want to do it. But nobody could do it without them with exception of 1% of the climbers who usually end up dead in a couple of years anyway from a fall on a lesser mountain.


Sir Edmund Hillary is to blame for a lot of this.

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Sure he done it the right way. It’s lads climbing up with 100 bottles of oxygen waiting for them at every camp are to blame.

Jesus, there’s countries dying now

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Sir Edmund used bottled oxygen and had a Sherpa with him as well.

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I blame Chris bonington and his bovril

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and your point is?